Top 6 SaaS Automation Tools

Imagine a world where your business operates like a well-oiled machine, effortlessly tackling tasks and soaring to new heights. This dream can become a reality with the help of SaaS automation tools. These tools are like magic helpers that make your day-to-day jobs easier and help your business grow. 

That said, the SaaS tools industry is estimated to reach 195 billion by the end of this year. With so many tools out there, we’ve hand-picked some really good ones. We will show you how to use SaaS tools to manage projects, send emails, talk to customers, and more. Let’s dive in.

Are you looking for ways to automate your business processes?

There are plenty of SaaS automation tools out there that can help make running a business easier. These tools include workflow automation, project management, customer service, and more! They will help streamline your operations and free up time so that you can focus on what matters most – growing your business.

With the right SaaS automation solutions for repetitive tasks, tedious responsibilities, and frequent administrative hassles, businesses can gain a competitive edge in their industry. Automation helps reduce costs while allowing companies to work smarter and faster with greater efficiency and save time and money in the long run.

Keep reading to learn about the top 6 software-as-a-service (SaaS) automation tools!

Introducing SaaS Automation: What are they and How can it help your Business?

SaaS automation is a broad term that covers any software application or service delivered to customers over the Internet. This type of software simplifies complex business processes and helps automate tedious tasks, such as marketing automation software, customer onboarding, Customer data entry, social media management, Sales processes, document creation, task management, etc.

In addition to saving time and money, SaaS automation tools are also incredibly reliable. With these tools, businesses can focus on core activities and leave mundane tasks behind.

It’s a win-win situation for both customers and businesses. For customers, it means faster service delivery times and improved user experience; while for businesses, it enables them to free up time that was previously spent on administrative tasks so they can focus on more important business operations.

Benefits of SaaS Automation Tools

SaaS automation tools provide many benefits, making work easier and more efficient. They simplify complex tasks, save time, reduce errors, and allow teams to collaborate better. With these tools, businesses can focus on growth and success while enjoying cost-effective solutions. 

Now, let’s break down the benefits of SaaS tools and the areas in which they can help your business. 

Decision-Making and Reducing Errors 

With all your data in one place, you’ll make it easier to analyze your business. You can see which projects are successful and which need improvement. This helps you make better decisions for your company.

Also, by automating processes, you can minimize the risk of human error. For example, data entry automation tools can help ensure that your records are accurate, reducing the chances of costly mistakes.

Better Organization and Communication

These tools help you keep everything in one place. You can manage projects, store documents, and track your team’s progress, all in the same tool. This makes it easier to find information and stay organized. 

Also, you’ll be able to work better with your team. With the right CRM tool or system, you can share tasks, leave comments, and discuss your work. This helps everyone stay on the same page and work together more effectively.

Effective Resource Planning

Automation tools can reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks, allowing your team to focus on more valuable activities. This increased efficiency can lead to cost savings as you get more done with the same resources.

Also, automation tools can assist in planning your workload by gathering data, analyzing resource allocation, and making intelligent recommendations. These tools can help managers ensure that work is distributed evenly among team members and that deadlines are met efficiently. This leads to a more balanced workload, reducing employee burnout and increasing overall productivity.

Top Saas Automation Tool for Your Business

From marketing automation tools to social media automation tools, SaaS marketing automation, and more, here are the top 6 SaaS automation tools to help you run your business:


Project management tools help teams stay organized and on track. They make complex tasks easy to understand. One popular tool is Trello. It is used by millions of people worldwide. Trello works like a digital board with cards. Each card is a task. You can move cards from one list to another as you finish tasks. This way, you can see your progress easily.

Trello can automate your processes and help you save time. For example, you can set up rules to move cards when tasks are done. Imagine you have a school project with three parts: research, writing, and editing. You can create three lists for these parts. When you finish the research, the card moves to the writing list. Then, when you finish writing, the card moves to the editing list. This happens automatically.

Another example is setting due dates. Trello can remind you when tasks are due. This helps you stay on track and make sure to meet deadlines. If you’re looking for alternatives to Trello, there are various project management tools that offer similar functionalities to keep your projects well-organized and efficient.


Email marketing tools are a key part of a successful business strategy. These tools help automate email campaigns, track results, and make it easier to connect with customers. In fact, 81% of small businesses rely on email marketing as their primary customer acquisition channel. 

So one popular email marketing tool is Mailchimp. It is a widely used email marketing tool, with over 14 million users around the globe. It offers several features to help businesses grow and succeed.  

Targeted Campaigns: Mailchimp makes creating and sending targeted email campaigns easy. For example, a small clothing store could use Mailchimp to send a sale announcement to customers who have bought items in the past.

Automated Emails: With Mailchimp, you can set up automated emails to be sent based on specific triggers. A flower shop might use this feature to automatically send a reminder email to customers who bought flowers last year, encouraging them to order again for an upcoming holiday. 

Analytics and Reporting: Mailchimp provides detailed reports on your email campaigns’ performance. Let’s say you own a restaurant. You can use this data to see which menu items are most popular in their promotional emails and adjust their marketing strategy accordingly.


Salesforce is a leading CRM SaaS tool trusted by more than 150,000 businesses around the world. It offers a range of features to help businesses manage their customer relationships and grow. 

One way that Salesforce helps businesses is by tracking and managing leads and sales opportunities. For example, a real estate agent could use Salesforce to keep track of potential homebuyers and follow up with them to close deals.

With Salesforce, users can create custom dashboards to display the most important data. A car dealership might set up a dashboard to show the number of test drives scheduled, recent sales, and customer feedback all in one place.

Salesforce can be integrated with other tools and offers many add-ons to extend its functionality. A travel agency could connect Salesforce to their booking system, allowing them to manage customer information and travel reservations in one place easily.


Image Source

Customer feedback tools help you listen to your customers and understand what they like or dislike about your products or services. Automating these services can save you time and effort while ensuring you get all the valuable insights from your customers.

SurveyMonkey is a popular customer feedback tool used by millions of people worldwide. It allows you to create and distribute surveys, collect responses, and analyze the data to make informed decisions. Here’s a quick guide on how SurveyMonkey can automate your customer feedback process:

Create your survey

Design a survey with questions that target specific aspects of your product or service. SurveyMonkey offers various question types and templates to make the process easy and efficient.

Distribute the survey

Share the survey with your customers via email, social media, or a link on your website. SurveyMonkey can even send reminder emails to improve response rates.

Collect responses automatically

As customers complete your survey, SurveyMonkey gathers their responses in real-time. This automation saves you the trouble of manually collecting and organizing feedback.

Analyze the data

SurveyMonkey’s powerful analytics tools help you make sense of the feedback. You can view response trends, identify areas for improvement, and discover what your customers love about your offerings.

Using QR codes can increase automation in the feedback collection process. Consider a retail clothing store that wants to collect customer feedback on their in-store experience. The store can create a survey using SurveyMonkey, make a QR code, and link it to the survey. 

This QR code can then be displayed at the checkout counter, in fitting rooms, or on promotional materials throughout the store. When customers scan the QR code with their smartphones, they are taken directly to the survey. This enables the store to automate and simplify the process of collecting valuable feedback. 


We’ve discussed incredible automation tools that conserve time, effort, and resources. Imagine connecting these applications with a tool that requires no coding knowledge. Workflow automation tools serve this purpose, simplifying work by handling repetitive tasks on your behalf. This leads to smoother, more efficient daily operations.

Unito is a tool that can connect the apps we mentioned earlier, like Trello, Salesforce, and Mailchimp. By linking these apps, you can create a seamless workflow and keep your work organized in one place. Let’s dive into how Unito can help you with connecting these apps.

First, Unito can sync Trello with Google Calendar. When you create a new task in Trello, Unito automatically adds it to your calendar. This way, you can easily see your deadlines and plan your time better. If a due date changes in Trello, it will also update your calendar, keeping everything in sync.

Next, Unito can connect your email with your project management tool. For instance, when you get an email about a new task, Unito can automatically create a card in Trello. This ensures that every task is noticed and remembered. Plus, it saves you from manually transferring information from your email to your project management tool.

Finally, you can connect Google Sheets to Excel automatically with this tool. When you update data in Google Sheets, Unito syncs it with Excel, keeping both files up-to-date without any extra work from you. This way, you can manage and share data easily across platforms. 

Overall, while each of these SaaS tools offers unique features and benefits, it’s important to remember the critical role that Saas app monitoring plays in ensuring their optimal performance and reliability. Consider implementing a Saas monitoring solution to help you seamlessly connect your apps and keep your workflows running smoothly.


Mailmodo is a complete email marketing software that helps marketers create app-like experiences in email without coding. It offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to design and customize your emails. You can track the performance of your emails with detailed analytics and reporting, and schedule them to be sent at a specific time or date. 

Key differentiators

Interactive AMP Emails

Mailmodo provides marketers with the capability to create and send AMP emails through our platform which is something most ESPs don’t provide. (Book meetings, recover shopping carts, collect survey responses, etc. all within the email)

Next-gen WYSIWYG Email Editor

Mailmodo has built its email editor into a next-gen, highly intuitive editor that increases the efficiency of email creation as well as the quality of emails.

Growth-focussed features

Mailmodo provides features like Click Map, Smart Template Suggestions, Campaign Recommendations, etc. which are not available in other solutions. These out-of-the-box features can help a brand scale and build a productive email marketing automation channel.

Advanced Email Automation

Mailmodo lets marketers create advanced email automation through an easy-to-use visual journey builder capable of setting up email sequences with multiple trigger options based on user events.

Embrace the Power of SaaS Automation Tools

Saas business for marketing efforts can be greatly enhanced with the help of automation tools. Automation solutions, such as HubSpot and Marketo, offer features like email marketing campaigns, lead-generation forms, and more that allow businesses to run automated processes such as customer onboarding or digital ad campaigns.

These SaaS automation tools provide marketers the ability to quickly launch marketing campaigns while saving time—and money—in the long run.

Moreover, some SaaS automation tools, offer a way to connect different applications together and make them work better together for an even more automated workflow. All in all, the Saas marketing automation tool and tools like it can help you streamline your marketing efforts and increase the efficiency of your business operations.

Use SaaS Automation Tools for Improved Customer Service

Customer service is a critical component of any business, and Saas automation tools are making it easier to give customers great customer experiences. For example, software such as Zendesk offers ticketing systems, live chat, and customer feedback processes that allow businesses to provide personalized customer service quickly and efficiently.

By using SaaS automation tools for customer service, businesses can improve the overall quality of their customer experience by responding quickly to customer’s inquiries while providing them with accurate information. There are the Best marketing automation tools and social media automation tools that can also help businesses. By using automation for customer service, businesses can save time and money while also providing customers with better experiences.

Tips for Choosing the Right SaaS Automation Tools

When it comes to choosing the right SaaS automation tools for your business, there are a few key factors to consider.

  • First, think about what tasks you need automated and how they will be used in your business processes.
  • Next, make sure that the tools you choose are user-friendly and offer comprehensive support so that you can easily make changes to your workflow.
  • Finally, research the different SaaS automation tools available and compare their features and prices to ensure that you’re getting the best value for your money.

Making the Most of Your Automation Tools

Once you’ve chosen the right SaaS automation tool for your business, it’s important to make the most of it. Start small by automating one or two processes and gradually add more automation as you become comfortable with the software.

For best results, take advantage of features such as reporting and analytics to optimize your workflow. Additionally, be sure to regularly review and update your automation tools to ensure that they’re running optimally.

By using SaaS automation tools, businesses can save time and money while taking their customer service to the next level. Automation will help streamline processes and free up resources so that businesses can focus on higher-value activities. With the right SaaS automation tool in place, businesses can increase efficiency and improve customer experience.

Frequently Asked Questions About Top 6 SaaS Automation Tools

Q: What is the meaning of Saas?

A: Saas stands for Software as a Service. It is an application or software delivered to customers over the Internet. It simplifies complex business processes and helps automate day-to-day tasks, such as marketing automation tools, customer onboarding, customer data entry, social media management, sales processes, document creation, task management, etc.

Q: What are some of the marketing automation platforms and SaaS companies?

A: There is a wide range of companies that offer marketing automation platforms and SaaS solutions. Some of the popular ones include Salesforce, Marketo, HubSpot, Sprout Social, Pardot, NetSuite ERP, etc.

Q: What are some multiple, platforms?

A: Multiple channels automation platforms are software solutions that enable businesses to manage multiple channels in one platform. Some popular ones include Buffer, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Zoho Social, etc. These tools help businesses save time and streamline their content marketing efforts across various digital channels such as social media, email campaigns, websites, and more.

Q: How can SaaS marketing automation tools can help businesses?

A: Saas marketing automation tools are designed to make the process of running a business much easier. They can automate tedious and repetitive tasks like customer data entry, customer onboarding, social media management, document creation, task management, etc.

Q: Can Lead generation and a sales team benefit from SaaS automation tools?

A: Yes, lead generation and sales teams can benefit from SaaS automation tools. They can use these tools to streamline their processes and automate tasks. This will help them save time and resources while increasing efficiency. Additionally, they can use the analytics capabilities of these tools to get insights into customer behavior and adjust their strategies accordingly.

In Conclusion

SaaS automation tools are essential for businesses looking to streamline their operations and achieve growth. These powerful tools, like Trello, Mailchimp, Salesforce, SurveyMonkey, and Unito, can help improve decision-making, organization, communication, and time management. 

By automating tasks and connecting various apps, you’ll save time, reduce errors, and boost efficiency in your daily work. Embrace the power of SaaS automation tools to take your business to new heights and enjoy the benefits of a more organized, efficient, and successful work environment.

Bitskout Review: An A.I. Platform to Boost Your Productivity at Work

We all have those dreaded, monotonous tasks that we can’t stand doing but need to get done. Luckily, artificial intelligence is a new tool that can help make them a little easier. An A.I. platform can automate many tedious and time-consuming tasks, so we can focus on the things we enjoy.

Set up some filters and rules and let the machine take care of them. You’ll be able to breeze through your inbox in no time! In this article, let’s look at one such product that will help you breeze through your tasks.

Let’s Dive in…

What is Bitskout?

Bitskout is a workflow management software platform that helps users to increase their productivity and efficiency by automating manual tasks. The A.I. platform does this by implementing plugin tools that automate various processes, such as reading and typing information from invoices or extracting data from handwritten documents.

The user interface is easy to use – select an action, load a couple of examples, and choose where you want the information displayed. You can also improve your current processes by making them faster, easier and more efficient. Add plugins to your tools via our native integrations or Zapier, so you can focus on what matters most.

This can help to free up users’ time to focus on more important tasks, ultimately leading to increased productivity. In addition, this A.I. platform is constantly learning and improving its algorithms, which will only become more effective over time. As such, Bitskout is an essential tool for anyone looking to streamline their workflow and increase their productivity.

How does Bitskout work?

Bitskout is a no-code A.I. platform that helps you to create smart plugins powered by A.I. Smart plugins powered by A.I. can be set up and added to tools of choice in minutes with the help of a simple UI–no coding or training needed.

You can use Bitskout to create your website, blog, or online store plugins. Bitskout also allows you to integrate your plugins with third-party applications.

Bitskout’s Integrations with other platforms

You can connect any app with Bitscout and build your workflow. Here is a list of integrations with other platforms you can expect.

  • Google Sheets
  • Google Drive
  • Google Mail
  • Airtable
  • Slack
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Docs
  • Telegram Bot
  • WooCommerce
  • Dropbox
  • Microsoft Email
  • Mailchimp
  • Trello
  • Google Forms
  • Discord
  • Hubspot CRM
  • Twitter
  • Shopify
  • Stripe
  • WordPress
  • Twilio
  • Pipedrive CRM
  • SalesForce
  • Google Analytics
  • Survey 123
  • Zoom
  • Bitly
  • Zoho CRM
  • Xero
  • Asana
  • Send Grid

And many more!

What can you do with the integration?

Here’s how you can set up integrations with Asana as an example:

With Bitskout, you can supercharge your productivity by making Asana the centerpiece for collecting data from emails and documents, analyzing pictures and videos. By adding an artificial intelligence layer, you can reduce manual data entry and remove unnecessary tools to streamline your work process.

In Asana:

  1. Open your Asama Account and choose the project you want to work on to go ahead with the integration.
  2. Now, click on the “Customize” button.
  3. Now, go to the apps, choose “+Add app” and select Bitskout.
  4. Now, all you have to do is follow the instructions displayed on the screen.

In Bitskout:

  • Open your Bitskout account
  • Choose Asana
  • To add the project to your Bitskout account, simply import it.
  • Automate your workflow for maximum efficiency
  • Lastly, use Bitskout’s workflow in Asana by adding it as a rule.

That’s it; you’re in for now!

Pros and Cons of using Bitskout


  • This software has a clean interface, notifications, and user/team management. It integrates well with other Atlassian software, particularly Jira in our case.
  • It is possible to work with documents that have a structure and extract data from your tools.
  • Increased productivity and efficiency – By automating the workflow process, Bitskout helps your team move faster and be more organized.
  • Easier collaboration – With a centralized platform for managing tasks and projects, teams can easily collaborate and communicate.
  • Better tracking of progress – Knowing exactly what stage a task is in and who is working on it allows you to better track project progress.
  • Increased accountability – Everyone on the team knows what is expected of them and is held accountable for their actions.
  • Higher morale – The improved communication and organization that comes with using Bitskout leads to a more positive work environment.


  • It is crucial to remember that Bitskout meets other tools, such as the SaaS cloud tool. In other words, if you do not have access to Asana or Jira, then it is difficult to ascertain whether Bitskout would be a good fit.
  • If you don’t write code or manage no more than 100, 000 documents per month, this tool is perfect for you.
  • Although a forecasting feature is being finalized, Bitskout A.I.’s analytics cannot compete with other serious analytic tools currently on the market.

Who is Bitskout for?

If you find yourself doing the same thing repeatedly, it’s time to consider Bitskout. Bitskout is perfect for any company that wants to automate its repetitive tasks. It can help remove your staff’s burden by automating those mundane tasks.

As a result, your employees can focus on more creative and productive work. In addition, Bitskout can help to improve efficiency and accuracy in your workplace. So if you’re looking for a way to increase productivity and efficiency, look no further than Bitskout.

How much does Bitskout cost?

The pricing of Bitskout is divided into three tiers: solo plan, team plan, and enterprise plan.

Solo Plan

  • Starts at 59 Euro per month.
  • Includes 100 plugin runs
  • It’s an individual account
  • You can use up to 5 active plugins

Team Plan

  • Starts at 199 Euro per month.
  • Includes 500 plugin runs.
  • Up to 5 Bitskout admins can have access.
  • Up to 50 active plugins can be used.
  • It supports 3rd party models.

Enterprise plan

  • For enterprise plan option pricing, you need to contact the team.
  • It has more than 10000 plugin runs.
  • It has unlimited Bitskout admins.
  • It has unlimited active plugins.


Overall, Bitskout is a great tool for increasing productivity and efficiency in the workplace. If you want a platform to help automate manual tasks, we recommend giving Bitskout a try.

Business Automation Solutions: How Industry Is Evolving Through Automation

As science and technology become more powerful and prominent in our lives, thanks to skilled advancements in the field, we are left with many questions about business automation solutions.

We often question how this will affect the future.

Some people would worry about robot uprisings, and Hollywood would have us view it that way, but the realism of it is very different. People also worry that this means mass job loss and that automotive technology would take over some roles. However, where there is loss, there is also gain.

So, with these things in mind, what can we expect from an automotive future? The simplest answer is simply advancements in what we experience already. Many of us live with Amazon Alexa devices or Google Nests in our homes. This is a part of automation that has already become integrated into our lives, and there is much more that we do not realize we already experience every day. Yet the future beholds wonders, and in industry, it is evolving the workforce.

Ready to take your Business to the Next level?

The evolution of industry has been incredible and automation is playing a major role in driving that. Businesses are now able to streamline their processes, automate repetitive tasks, and cut costs – all thanks to automation solutions. With these tools, you can increase efficiency while reducing long-term expenses and labor costs.

From improving customer experience to boosting productivity, automating manual processes helps businesses stay competitive and deliver faster results. Automation also helps companies identify trends quickly so they can adjust their strategies accordingly. This allows them to remain agile in today’s fast-paced market!

What are Business Automation Solutions?

What Is Automation

At its more basic level, business automation solution is a term for technology applications where human input is minimized. This can include business process automation (known as BPA), Its automation, personal applications such as home automation (Looking at You Alexa), and even more.

If you want to look at the core of what automation is, the dictionary can define it for you, ‘the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically’. It can also be defined as the creation and application of technology to monitor and control the production and delivery of products and services in the industry.

Using automation technologies, processes, and techniques improves the efficiency, reliability, and speed of many tasks that were previously performed by humans. It is used in varying industries, and while one could say that this takes away roles from humans, it also prevents human error, and the fear of human error can cause stress, thus affecting our health and lives. As a result, the implementation of automation may save people from extremely stressful jobs and thus increase lifespan and worker safety.

But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Automation is now being used in varying areas, including manufacturing, transport utilities, defense, facilities, operations, and also information technology. We use automation in our homes, and more and more often in our everyday lives. People may be anxious about its effect on the future, without realizing that we are already living in a very automotive world already, where tools like Fleetio’s work order template streamline processes and enhance efficiency.

The Importance of Business Automation

Business Automation Solutions

Automation solutions are important, they are part of the driving force that helps us in advancements, technologically, medically, and in production. Without automation, products and services would not be as easily accessible and speedily acquired. Automation is a key factor in advancement.

Automation is responsible for solving complex problems, in many important aspects of different industries

The industrial world has faced many technological changes over the years of growth. This has increased urgent demand for premium high-quality products and services, which are only able to be supplied through a high level of productivity. Humans are limited in this range, we need breaks, and have limits. This means that this demand requires process engineers systems, automated manufacturing, and industrial automation.

Industrial automation plays a key role in solving the requirements of companies. It faces tasks of productivity and globalization. Real benefits to the business can be found when projects are focused on business automation solutions.

Industrial automation works smarter, faster, and more proficiently. These factors together make automation more powerful, it becomes a business of solutions.

Automation professionals are responsible for solving complex problems in many important aspects of the industry and its many processes. The work of these professionals is very important to the preservation of health, safety, public welfare, and the ability to sustain and enhance our quality of health overall.

Automation professionals are viewed as being highly valued in many ways. Think of cars, mobile phones, video games, music systems, and any modern convenience or necessity. These are all the result of a complex process, and without those who design, build, improve, and maintain these, none of the technological marvels would have come into being. So, while it is sensible to be anxious about an unknown future, it is also useful to note how much it has done for us so far.

Business Automation Solutions include:

Automation is many things, and it goes beyond the basics we may think of. You might think of driverless cars when you hear about automation, or perhaps a humanoid robot. However, it is more than that.

1. Robots

Sure, robots are a large part of automation. However, robots are not all like you may have seen in movies such as ‘I, Robot’. Many robotics are things used in warehouses and scientific laboratories. NASA has its fair share of robots too.

Robots are automotive technology, they help to build devices we use every day, and they help us go into space. Remember the Mars Rover? Robotics.

2. Cybersecurity

Then there is cybersecurity as well. This is the application of technologies, processes, and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices, data, and so on, from cyberattacks. Things like data encryption fall under this category. Do you use WhatsApp because it encrypts your messages, allowing no one else to read them? Well, that’s automotive technology. Do you trade in Bitcoin, those blockchains that protect your data and transactions? Yes, that is automotive too.

The Types of Automation

The Types Of Automation
Types of Automation

There are several types of automation out there. Some we will recognize as parts of our everyday lives, while others are more heavily specified for the manufacturing, IT, and industrial areas. However, all are equally vital to our modern way of life, and society’s evolution.

1. Basic automation

Basic automation is an automotive technology that takes simple, rudimentary tasks and automates them. This level of automation is about digitizing work and using tools to streamline and centralize routine tasks, such as using a shared messaging system. BPM (Business process management), and RPA (robotic process automation) are both great examples of basic automation.

BPM or Business Process management is the use of software to automate repeatable multistep business transactions. In contrast to other automotive types, the solutions here are often complex, connected to multiple enterprise IT systems, and tailored specifically to the individual needs of a business.

RPA is a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate human actions interacting with digital software and systems.

2. Process automation

On the other hand, process automation manages business processes for both uniformity and transparency. This is usually handled by dedicated software and business applications. Using this type of automation can increase overall productivity within your business. It can also deliver new insights into your business’s challenges and suggest solutions. Process mining and workflow automation are both examples of process automation.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, automation solutions have become indispensable, revolutionizing industries across the board. One of the key innovations driving this transformation is process mining, a technology that enables companies to visualize, analyze, and optimize their processes. By harnessing the power of process mining, businesses can streamline their operations, identify inefficiencies, and make data-driven decisions, marking a significant leap forward in the realm of automation.

Workflow automation is a reference to the design, execution, and automation of processes based on workflow rules, wherein human tasks, data, files, and so on are routes between people or systems on a pre-defined basis or business rules. An example of this would be the Gmail feature where if someone emails you, that email can then be repurposed into a task inside ‘Basecamp’ automatically, creating a task or to-do list. Another example would be using creative QR code placements to direct restaurant patrons to beer lists or menus. 

Another practical example of workflow automation is where software is employed to streamline manufacturing processes such as beer production. In this case, you can enhance your brewery’s efficiency with Ollie, which allows you to automate the management of raw materials, inventory, customers, and order processing – all under one platform. Some of these tools can even generate insightful reports that help you make informed decisions for your business.

These features simply make life easier and more manageable, letting us focus on the creative aspects of our industries, while the automotive systems manage the bulk of process management and help to manage workflow- as these two examples show.

3. Integration automation

Then we have integration automation. This is a type of automation where machines can mimic human tasks and repeat the actions once humans define the machine’s rules. An example of this would be a digital worker. In more recent years, people have come to define digital workers as software robots that are trained to work with humans to perform specific tasks. They will have a specific set of skills, and they can even be ‘hired’ to work on teams.

Digital workers are just integrated team members trained to carry out a business process, much like human employees, only they do it faster and without any mistakes. All teams will have digital workers alongside their human workers in the future, it is believed.

A great example of a digital worker would be Chatbots, which can improve the customer experience. Many websites and apps will have these to assist in customer service queries. You might experience these on shopping sites, such as Amazon, for example. Other apps will have these also, many will have a Chatbot as a digital worker, and then if the issue is beyond their ability, it will usually be forwarded to a human worker. These systems help to prevent long waiting times for resolving issues in customer service.

4. Artificial intelligence automation

Finally, we have AI. The most complex level of automation is artificial intelligence. The addition of artificial intelligence means that these machines are capable of learning and making decisions based on past situations that they have encountered and analyzed. For example, in the customer service industry, virtual assistants are power to reduce costs while empowering both customers and human agents, this can in turn create an optimal customer service experience.

Another example of AI technology would be the Amazon Alexa, or Google Nest, devices we have in our homes. These devices learn as we use them, they will understand our voices so that they can listen to commands. They are capable of recommending music based on previous plays and can learn our household habits so that systems they can control are automated. I.e. lights being turned on and so on.

Then you have more extreme examples such as the newest Mars Rover which has an artificial intelligence system on board.

How is the Industry Evolving Through Automation?

It is not hard to see that the world we live in is being altered by a technology-driven existence. Business automation solutions are filled with promise, but also with changes and challenges. Cars that can drive themselves, machines that read X-rays, and computer algorithms that respond to customer service inquiries are all afoot. So, what does this mean for the industry and our society as a whole?

Automation reduces the need for people to handle rote tasks

Automotive technology changes how we work, and it could very certainly eliminate some jobs or the need for humans in entire fields in the fast-approaching future. Some industries will be impacted more than others. More logical/minimalist industries may be taken over by technology, whereas creative industries will have less interference. However, automation reduces the need for people to handle rote tasks. And it increases the need for individuals with critical thinking skills and creative, problem-solving skills.

While it is possible to view this as a  positive aspect of automation, it is viewable as negative. The risks of this are that workers would be potentially slaves to automated machines. Of course, it is also possible that human privacy would be invaded by vast computer networks, and that human error in the management of this technology could endanger civilization. Also, humanity could very well become dependent on this automated technology economically. Yet, let’s not jump the gun yet, these are speculations, and it is highly unlikely that things this drastic will occur. However, the biggest risk is in the employment sector, and how particular jobs could become human-free zones. 

Increases the need for employees who are critically thinking and creative

While there will be many industries that will require little to no human involvement, there will be an increased need for creatives and critical thinkers. Especially those who are trained in automated technologies. Problem solvers and critical thinkers with experience in these technologies will be a greater requirement.

There will also be industries in which these technologies will not work, such as communication-based, and creative industries. Areas of retail that require human communication and innovation will require more people, and thus more job opportunities will be opened up for people like so.

While we are inclined to be concerned that the growth of automation would mean a decline in jobs for people, this is untrue, jobs will be open to those who can work with, manage, and innovate in this area of technology. However, jobs such as teachers, creatives i.e. arts and media, areas of marketing, and so on, will still be predominantly human-run industries.

This is simply based on the fact that technology, no matter how artificially intelligent or well-programmed, has limits, creativity, and management are human traits that these technologies are not capable of, certainly not yet.

Around half the jobs in the USA are expected to be automated in the future

It is believed that around 50% of current work activities are technically automatable by adapting currently demonstrated technologies. Every 6 out of 10 current occupations have more than 30% of technically automatable activities.

Of course, how feasible automation is for a job is important, but it is not the only factor worth considering. Other factors that must be considered include the development and deployment of automation solutions for specific uses, in specific workplaces. The benefits beyond labor substitution and regulatory and social acceptance.

Four of the areas which are considered to be ‘safest’ from automation, or otherwise in higher demand are managers and executives, teachers, technology professionals, and creatives i.e. artists, designers, entertainers, and media workers. The areas that are most at risk of becoming automated include predictable and unpredictable physical workers, customer interaction roles, and office support. 

Industries Evolving Due To Automation

So, we know you are wondering which industries are seeing the biggest evolution from automated technology.

As it continues to rise, many jobs will require different skills, and in some cases higher educational requirements. However, by 2030, it is anticipated that between 75 million and 365 million people may need to gain new skills as a part of their search for alternative employment.

So which of these industries are most at risk of seeing people need to re-skill as their jobs become more automated?

Industries Evolving Due To Automation

1. Retail and Trade

Retail and trade are at the top of the list. It is reported that around 50% of jobs related to retail and trade in the United States are likely to become automated. This type of automation is already seen in Amazon stores, where grocery carts can track what you have taken off the shelves so that you can purchase your products without having to interact with a cashier. There is also automation in delivery systems, where robots will go from door to door to deliver food.

In turn, the speed of a modern retail delivery service has accelerated, with same-day shipping at affordable prices being made possible thanks to automation, regardless of the products involved.

The global retail automation market is anticipated to exceed $19.45 billion by 2023. Retail automation will cut costs and improve quality. This will also completely decrease the potential for human error.

While the thought of automation taking over 50% of retail and trade can be a bit daunting, this does not mean that there will be no humans working in stores anymore. What it means is that there will be more automated features in our retail and trade experience that minimize the chance for errors, and improve the quality of our shopping experiences. There is also a chance that this will have a great impact on the overall economy since automation in retail is expected to cut costs.

2. Transportation

Another area that will likely see a great deal of smart automated technology is transportation. It is believed that around 57% of transportation jobs will be very likely to become automated in the coming years in the U.S.A. Autonomous vehicles are now becoming the driving force (pun intended) in the transportation industry, as well as the manufacturing of vehicles, making for quicker assembly times.

With the self-driving mode that was introduced by Tesla, drivers can nap at the wheel while still getting to their destination, and no one can say anything against the fantastic environmentally friendly factors of this car.

Other companies, like Toyota and Honda, are also implementing self-parking automation for those who are still struggling with parallel parking. (Thank god!)  Yet, this vehicle automation feature does pose a threat to truck drivers, as their jobs may indeed become obsolete as we develop and expand on vehicle automation.

While it will be useful in times when it is harder to find enough people to drive all the trucks and HGVs that are required in some countries, this job could become obsolete in its entirety. Thus forcing some people to re-skill and find other industries and jobs.

3. Agriculture

Although you might not think it, Agriculture is another area that may end up becoming more automated. As the population of our world grows, the demand for high volumes of food increases. Due to this, around 6 out of 10 jobs in the agriculture industry are automated in the United States. Agricultural automation occurs everywhere, from planting and monitoring to maintenance and harvesting. This is where artificial intelligence in agriculture is set to play a pivotal role, enhancing these processes through advanced analytics and machine learning techniques.

Some machines even detect weeds and diseases in plants. Around 100 years ago, farms were run entirely by families, with no fewer than 10 farmers working at any one time. Now, an entire 100-acre farm can be run by just one person and their team of smart machines.

While people may argue that this leaves a mass of the population unemployed as there are plenty of people who could do these jobs, the demand at which food is needed and the speed at which this must be done would not be possible to achieve by just people anymore. Automotive machines allow for supply to keep up with the demand of a constantly growing population.

Smart technology can also be beneficial to the land, as some of these smart machines can help preserve certain biological factors in the land that we may not think of while we are busy toiling away. With technology getting smarter, it is possible to not only keep up with demand but do it sustainably.

4. Manufacturing

Similarly, there is manufacturing. It is estimated that around 60% of the jobs in the United States around manufacturing will likely be performed by machines shortly. AN entire factory can be run by just a couple of people, with the remainder of the operation being performed by automated machinery and robots. The benefits of having automation in the manufacturing industry include the mechanical precision that we just can’t match, as well as consistency, greater safety, and a decrease in operating expenses.

While humans can work very well in the manufacturing industry, there is much health and safety to be considered with people working in these environments, however, when you are using automated machinery and technology, this is not as much of a requirement, and costs are saved there already.

Despite the manufacturing industry being one of the most highly automated industries in the world, there is still a significant amount of potential for automation in manufacturing sites. This includes functional areas such as the supply chain and procurement as well.

5. Accommodation

Over 70% of jobs in the accommodation sector will likely be automated in America. This automation is to be seen in hotels where guests can check in by mobile phone, this may be something you see already, however, it is likely that at the moment even if you do check in via your mobile, there will be someone on the front desk for older people who are technologically inept. However, with some automated check-in, you can check in via your mobile app, and it will then provide you with a room key.

Hotels are also starting to experiment with voice assistants to bypass concierge workers and put guests in touch with their required services.

This means that shortly, you may be able to get a hotel experience where you rarely interact with any of the staff. This is somewhat of an introverted dream, and it will certainly revolutionize the hotel experience for many.

Of course, there are downsides to this, and some hotels may stick to the traditional approach, yet within some decades we may certainly see all hotels like this.

This could also be a possibility with things such as Airbnb and hostels.

6. Food Services

Finally, food services. We are already seeing this happen on quite a large scale. Go into a restaurant and order by the app instead of a waiter. Go to McDonald’s and order via a touchscreen.

Many fast-food restaurants are opting for touchscreen ordering, while they do still offer traditional, at-the-counter orders, many have this feature. It is no surprise either, it does not just cut down on long queues, but it also makes it easier for customers, The menu is right there for you, and you can see everything on offer. It saves time and is much easier.

The implementation of a table ordering system has significantly streamlined the dining experience, enhancing customer satisfaction. In restaurants, using an app to order food at your table is also very popular.

In restaurants, using an app to order food at your table is also very popular. It has to be said that since the COVID-19 pandemic, more restaurants do seem to be using this, it is easier on the staff, easier for the customers, and prevents any unnecessary close contact.

The food service industry is not unlike the accommodation industry, and it will likely see around 70% of jobs become automated in the future.

The Future of Automation

The future of our working lives will be very different from what they are today. AI, automation, and advanced engineering systems promise improvements in safety, simplification of routine tasks, and higher productivity levels across boundless organizations.

While it might seem as though the technology is moving faster than we can keep up with, there is hardly anything new about the applications of automation and the robotics technologies we are seeing come into being. It has long been present in the workplace, handling the mundane and routine tasks we simply hate doing.

So, what does this say for our future?

Automation is expected to increase by 26 billion dollars by 2028

AI technology and automation go hand in hand as they increase in the work environment. Realistically only 5% of jobs are fully automatable, humans will always play a critical role in the workplace. AI can help to find humans for the jobs that are needed in the space of AI and automation.

For those that operate in this space, things look good, with endless opportunities. The actual demand for workflow automation processes is expected to spike to $26 billion by 2025, which is up from a measly $5 billion back in 2018. With more than 25% of companies using automation in their hiring process, and by 2022, around 70% of customer service interactions are leveraging some sort of AI automation technology.

How Automation Is Changing Workplaces Everywhere?

From business processes to business automation software, automation is changing the way we work and streamlining our operations. Automation technology is transforming the workplace in ways that are making us all more efficient, productive, and competitive. Automation is not only increasing productivity but also creating new opportunities for businesses to create-time products and services.

Here are just a few of the ways automation is transforming the workplace:

1. Automated Processes -Automated processes in the workplace have allowed for faster, more accurate processes that can be executed without manual intervention. This means businesses can get their orders done quicker and with less effort, enabling them to keep up with customer demand better than ever before.

2. Increased EfficiencyBusiness process automation tools make it easier for businesses to manage and monitor their operations. This results in increased efficiency across the board, giving companies more time to focus on areas where they can further improve their operations.

3. Better Data Insight – Automation allows for better data analysis, and business process automation solutions are enabling business owners to make informed decisions based on real-time data. This helps businesses better understand their audience, customer needs, and market trends to yield insights that can be used to improve operations and boost profits.

4. Improved Business Agility – Automation or automated processes offer businesses the ability to rapidly respond to changes in the business environment and customer demands. This means they can stay one step ahead of the competition by quickly adapting products and services to the ever-changing market.

By embracing automation or business automation tools, businesses can stay ahead of their competitors while ensuring they are meeting customer demand better than ever before.

Frequently Asked Questions About Business Automation Solutions: How Industry Is Evolving Through Automation

Q: What is intelligent automation?

A: Intelligent automation is a type of automation technology that combines machine learning, artificial intelligence, and robotic process automation to automate tasks.

Q: What are the benefits of business process automation BPA?

A: Business process automation BPA offers many advantages, such as improved accuracy and productivity, cost savings, streamlined processes, increased efficiency, flexibility in meeting customer demands, and data insights.

Q: Is automated business processes or technology changing the workplace?

A: Yes. Automation technology is changing the workplace in many ways, such as improved efficiency, better data insight, automated processes, and increased agility.

Q: Why Automate business processes?

A: Automation of business processes or the process automation system helps businesses stay competitive by quickly adapting products and services to changing customer demands.


We often get anxious about how technologically advanced our future may be. We worry that technology and automation will take away so many jobs from people that there will be high unemployment rates worldwide.

This is not the case; automation will take part in a vast majority of roles; However, for the most part, automation will not take jobs from people, and where there is automation, there will always be a requirement for someone to manage it.

Some jobs are more at risk of becoming more automated than others, but they will not become completely automated.

The thing is, we are so worried about the effect it may have on the future we cannot see how much we are already living in the future now. We use our mobile phones for everything, shopping carts can track what we put in them, and we do not even need to encounter a cashier. We have AI in our homes that can remind us to pick the kids up from school, and some of our cars can park themselves.

The way automotive technology affects the industry is simply that it makes it easier, safer, less cost-heavy, and better to manage.

airSlate: The First and Only Holistic No-Code Document Workflow Automation Platform

Looking for an all-in-one document workflow automation tool to simplify your business processes? Learn about airSlate.

Business automation is essential for companies and organizations nowadays. Competition is growing, and customers are demanding real-time solutions. So how does airSlate help automate your business and meet clientele satisfaction?

The simplicity, flexibility, and efficiency of airSlate make it easier for managers and employees to manage daily tasks. Using simple yet powerful software, you can easily create pre-populated documents or multi-page forms based on user information.

Users only need to type in their names once, and it will replicate in the system for future use. There are many other reasons to consider integrating this platform into your business. Learn more about the airSlate software platform for single, no-code business document workflow automation solutions.

What Is airSlate?

As the first no-code business automation software platform, airSlate provides automated solutions, including e-signing, contract negotiation, no-code robotic process automation, and document generation. It keeps online forms into a single platform for easy access when needed.

This software platform also configures and automates business processes while integrating them into a system of information without writing code. Regarding inclusive workflow solutions, airSlate offers a wide range of features that help simplify day-to-day web processes.

As a well-serviced, cost-effective end-to-end document workflow automation solution, even users who are not tech-savvy can use the platform straight from templates. AirSlate is more affordable and user-friendly than other no-code business automation platforms.

How Does airSlate Differ from Other Software?

Unlike other business automation platforms, airSlate offers a proprietary library of bots, including Slack notification bot, signature type bot, pre-fill from CSV file bot, and update SharePoint list item bot. Choose from these bots and customize your web forms to suit your projects.

Moreover, it’s a web form builder with configurable workflow routing for more efficient customer records management. It provides workflow analytics to identify issues that need your attention easily. The e-signing feature is legally binding, so you are guaranteed to protect sensitive information in your system.

Compared to similar platforms, this codeless workflow-building software focuses on contract life cycle management, document generation, and web form integrations with CRM and other record systems that don’t use any codes.

Who Can Benefit from airSlate?

The main beneficiaries of the airSlate no-code document workflow automation platform are business owners, team managers, and workers who need to automate their manual processes. You can integrate the platform with other software to build a system that works for your everyday business needs.

Non-programmers or those who don’t know how to write a single code to generate forms can also use this platform. This is a great solution if you are managing a company and your employees don’t have technical skills such as building various web forms from scratch.

The following are the benefits of using airSlate in your business processes:

  • Customization of forms to match your business requirements. There are existing templates to help you create company forms that meet your needs.
  • The platform allows you to request attachments and signatures from users. It saves workflows directly to the cloud for safe storage.
  • Receive email notifications internally and send email notifications externally.
  • Easy to reach out customer service team that closely works with users to help them create an ideal document workflow that exactly meets their business needs.
  • The intuitive drag-and-drop user interface allows the creation of data entry web forms that can be used to fill up document workflows.
  • The platform has a PDF editor that links web form data to fillable fields in PDF format. The platform has a chat feature to help you easily contact the customer support team with questions.
  • Automatically send pre-chosen files to recipients and make changes to the files later on. With sophisticated features, you can easily use slates, bots, and flows without prior programming knowledge.
  • A wide range of integrations, including the ability for webhooks. Seamlessly connect integrations with the bots.
  • Good reporting on created documents, role-based access to company templates, redlining implementation, and quickly transferring data to another document.

More importantly, the airSlate team is open to continuous feedback and suggestions to improve the platform for businesses and organizations. You can access it using your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

Existing Platforms Integrated with airSlate

One of the best things about airSlate is that you can use plenty of integrations with the platforms and many opportunities for improving productivity. For example, you can integrate it with Salesforce, Atlassian Jira Align, MS Dynamics, NetSuite ERP, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

Regarding the flow templates, you can customize and connect multiple sources for your data and include them in your contract flows. Some of the most commonly used flows on the platform are the employee onboarding flow, contract management flow, collecting employee feedback flow, and the capital expenditure request approval flow.

Wrapping It Up

When choosing a codeless business automation software, it’s important to consider the feedback from current users. Experiences can help you decide whether the solution is best for you. AirSlate is designed to help businesses create document workflows in an instant.

No professional programming skill is required to use the platform. All you need to do is follow the templates and contact the customer support team for your concerns. AirSlate understands that end-users opt for the latest version of forms to overcome complicated processes.

Furthermore, populating forms is made easier by the platform wherein you enter the information, which will be replicated throughout the system. With a few clicks, you can easily create document forms with the necessary information on users.

Before you buy, know that a free trial and the Freemium Version are available. Integration and premium consulting services are also available to help you manage your business automation needs at a reasonable price.

So what are the most common problems you have encountered in your current document builder platform? Do you think airSlate can do a better job for you without compromising user information and other essential requirements?

Is Automate io Safe?

Trusted by over 30,000 organisations across the globe, is the gold standard for workflow automation.

Is Automate io Safe? utilises military-grade encryption where the users data is encrypted in rest and transit. The platform runs on Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) by where the data flow between is encrypted on both the client and the server. This method uses long-term public and private keys to generate a short-term session key.

Company’s like Adobe, Intel, Uber and Vonage trust as a consider it safe. – Data, Privacy and GDPR

  • All of the Automate io network communications happen on secure HTTPS protocol offering a high level of network security.
  • All credentials (for the third-party apps you grant permission to), are stored in an encrypted format.
  • We now have a GDPR compliant Data Processing Agreement (DPA), that our customers can optionally sign with us.
  • is Privacy Shield compliant. We comply with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.

You can email their support if you have any specific questions relating to security for your apps as well as you should do your own due diligence to find out security elements are important to you.

What is is a well-designed, feature-packed integration platform that is competitively priced. Their team offers superb technical support to its clients for their Integration as a Service (IaaS) platform.

This platform was developed in 2016 by a team of developers who, albeit new to the industry, have continuously worked hard to position themselves as one of the best options when it comes to task automation.

The developers are constantly updating the platform by adding integrations and functionalities from time to time. You can review their privacy policy here.

At present, this San Francisco and India-based company has garnered more than 30,000 customers from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies that are spread all over 93 countries.

Need an automation platform?

If you are considering, please check out our review on the platform which includes a detailed analysis of the platform and use cases for you. Check it out here.

Check out our review of

Security Considerations for Automate io?

When reviewing any of the platforms you should understand that the provider is responsible for securing their own platform, network, applications, their own operating system (OS) and any of their own physical infrastructure.

The end user is actually responsible for securing their own customer data and any access to it. You as the end owner of your customer data need to consider the following practices that can help you protect your data in their platform.

  1. Audit Your Own Network – There are third party providers called Cloud Access Security Brokers that can review and audit your network for any rogue services or compromised accounts. With the advent of SaaS platforms and user becoming more comfortable with citizen development, the average company uses a surprisingly high number of third party cloud services (Okta Report 2021).
  2. Company Controlled User Access Management – Especially now that many workers are working from home, identity and access management (IAM) is becoming more important as a control to ensure that when a new applications is rolled out that user permissions align to what they should have access to.
  3. Encryption ( Covered) – As stated before utilises double covered encryption for data at rest and in transit, therefore, it is considered safe but the end user should also consider their own data between the end user and the cloud or between other cloud applications. This can also be covered in the scope of work for a CASB.
  4. Apply DLP or Data Loss Prevention Monitors – Blocking malware or hackers is common place now, DLP software platforms focus on ensuring that outgoing transmissions that download sensitive data are blocked and siloed.
  5. IP or Collaborative Sharing of Data Monitoring – Email, team accounts and cloud storage platforms like Box or DropBox enable access points for nefarious players. User data logs and history can set predictable expectations for the systems to monitor and when use cases go outside of these experiences then the monitoring systems can enable their protection.

CASB solutions, which are typically SaaS applications, may provide additional capabilities. These may include:

  • File encryption
  • Pre-built policy templates to guide IT staff through the process of policy creation
  • User entity behavior analytics (UEBA) backed by machine learning
  • In-application coaching to help end users learn improved security practices
  • Security configuration audits to suggest changes to security settings based on best practices

Four Security Accreditations/Frameworks for SaaS Providers

If you see any of these accreditations for your SaaS providers, then you know you are in good hands. Each of these frameworks or accreditations are internationally recognized and are considered trustworthy in the InfoSec industry.

  1. ISO 27001 – Considered the “Gold Standard” for SaaS platforms, this universally recognised accreditation is the most popular in the world. It is actually relevant to any industry and is internationally recognized.
  2. SOC 2 Covering you for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy, SOC is also an internationally recognized security audit framework for the security of your SaaS platform. These 5 trust principles will provide proof to your clients that they can trust your platform.
  3. OWASP ASVSTesting and hardening your SaaS platform application is a critical element to getting a third party to trust you. The ASVS stands for Application Security Verification Standard which is an open and standardized framework for technical security controls.
  4. CSA STAR – Focusing on the “key principles of transparency, rigorous auditing, and harmonization of standards.” the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is a publicly accessible document library of companies to show current and potential customers their security and compliance posture, including the regulations, standards, and frameworks they adhere to.
Four Security Accreditations or Frameworks for SaaS Providers

Other Considerations for Security and Using

Consider reviewing your internal processes of your company. Ask questions like do you use multi-factor authentication when signing into your SaaS apps, or do you have a tight on-boarding and off-boarding program to ensure users cannot gain access after leaving the business.

  • Provide Security or Anti-Phishing Training for Employees on a Regular Basis.
  • Consider Cloud-to-Cloud Back Up Solutions
  • Consider a Password Management Tool such as 1Password or LastPass.
  • Streamline Identity and Access Credentials Management (IAM)

Also, consider reviewing your current integrations and platforms that you already use. Below are some examples of the most popular integrations with

Power Automate: A Powerful Workflow Automation Tool That Eliminates Repititive Tasks

What is Power Automate? Learn more about workflow automation and how it can help boost productivity and efficiency at work. 

Try to imagine this situation. You or your employees need much time to finish a task. They cannot focus on what matters the most in the company. Because of that, problems arise everywhere in your workplace, and you have no idea how to solve the issue.

Does this situation sound similar in your company? If so, you might have an unproductive workplace. This issue can be an effect of doing repetitive and manual jobs every day

Doing those kinds of tasks every day can be exhausting for any person. As a result, your company might not be as efficient as you would have liked.

Thankfully, there are now several platforms that allow you to automate workflows. This kind of tool has many valuable benefits. 

One of which is having the ability to handle repetitive tasks in your company. It also makes the process faster and easier, which increases your productivity level.

An example of this type of platform is Power Automate by Microsoft. This tool allows you to link workflows to your data by using connectors. Also, you do not need to be knowledgeable in coding to use Power Automate. The platform has a no-code approach, so you can rest easy in automating your workflows.

So, suppose you are a manager or a tech-savvy worker. In that case, Power Automate might be an excellent choice for your company. Why? It lets you automate workflows, allowing you to focus on the more vital tasks in your company. You can also speed workflow development by using Power Automate with Azure DevOps.

Find out more below to see how using this platform can be beneficial for your company.

What is Power Automate?

How does it help with workflow automation?

Before diving into the topic, you must first understand the purpose of Power Automate. It is a cloud-based platform that lets you make automated processes. You can do it by using connectors and drag-and-drop tools. This way, you can automate manual and repetitive tasks without coding and with ease.

With Power Automate, you can connect other platforms to the system. Currently, there are over 100 options that you can integrate with this platform. You can link most business productivity applications such as Trello, Slack, and Outlook. It also includes Social Media networks such as Twitter and YouTube.

Power Automate lets you synchronize files, receive notifications, and more. It is also part of the Office Suite or Office 365 subscription. Meaning, if you subscribe to a business plan, this tool will be available in the package. Thus, allowing you to use the platform.

Don’t know where to start? Do not worry. Power Automate is also friendly for beginners in using automating platforms. If you find the process challenging, you can always use the template library. This way, you can automate the processes even if you are a beginner.

Additionally, you can access this platform whenever you want. The Power Automate app is downloadable in both Google Play and the Apple App Store. Thus, you do not have to turn on your personal computers only to manage the Power Automate platform. You can check and manage your workflow through a smartphone or a tablet instead.

How does Power Automate differ from other workflow automation tools?

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to use templates in Power Automate. This ability is one of the selling points of this platform since it allows you to automate more easily. 

There is a wide selection in the template library. Thus, there is a high chance that you can find the template that you need.

With templates, you need to connect Power Automate to another platform. 

For example, you want to receive emails from your Outlook and view them in Microsoft Teams. That is an example wherein you can use Power Automate to automate the process.

what is power automate

Some featured templates that you can use in Power Automate are:

  • Save email attachments to your business’ OneDrive account
  • Receive a push notification whenever someone messages in your team
  • Send a personalized message when someone uploads a new document or any file in your organization

Another selling point of Power Automate is the ability to connect with Azure DevOps. This tool allows your team to share code and check all work. It is perfect if you prefer to build automated processes quicker. Also, this workflow automation tool can speed up and improve the development of your business workflow.

Target Market of Power Automate

In general, Power Automate is excellent for companies that aim to boost productivity. After all, it allows for better workflow automation, making your tasks more manageable. 

You can also use a template to automate the process. Some industries that can benefit from this platform are Banking, Healthcare, and more.

Power Automate is also for the IT decision-makers. This platform allows them to create and develop their business solutions. It also lets them focus on the more advanced integration tools. 

One example is the Azure DevOps. They can also help, support, and empower the employees in your company.

Power Automate Integrations with Existing Platforms

It is necessary to connect with other existing platforms to make automated processes. These tools include your standard productivity apps, such as Trello. Or, you can also integrate your social media networks such as Twitter and YouTube. As of the moment, Power Automate supports over 100 platforms for integration.

Below is a list of the popular existing platforms that you can integrate with Power Automate:

  • Office 365 Outlook
    This platform is where you can receive, read, compose, and send email messages. It is also possible to schedule upcoming meetings with Office 365 Outlook. If you have something planned for the day, it will notify you hours before the meeting.
  • OneDrive for Businesses
    OneDrive is a storage space that allows you to store files such as documents and pictures. This platform is helpful when you want to share resources with other employees. It also allows you to download files, as well as the freedom to set the visibility settings. You can either set it to the public where all people in your company can see the file. Or, you can select specific users to see the file and share the link.
  • Trello
    Trello is a Kanban-style productivity tool. It allows you to create cards and organize tasks in a list form. You can also set a deadline for a specific item and add other members to a team. In Power Automate, there are plenty of situations wherein you can use Trello to automate. One example is the ability to copy all tasks in your Outlook to Trello. You can also send an Outlook email to your employees when you create a card in Trello.
  • YouTube
    If you own a channel, you can also integrate YouTube into your workspace. As most of us know, YouTube is widely used to share and view videos made by various content creators. When you integrate YouTube to Power Automate, you can set it to notify you whenever a channel posts a new video. You can also track the data of your YouTube videos on a Google Sheet and more.
  • Twitter
    Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms today. This platform is helpful when you want to promote your products and services. With Twitter, you can integrate it into Power Automate so that you can email a tweet from a specific user. You can also get a push notification of a tweet containing a particular keyword. That feature can be excellent for monitoring your competitors when used well.
  • Microsoft Teams
    If you use Power Automate, you might as well use Microsoft Teams to collaborate in your company. If you already use Microsoft Teams, you can automate some tasks using Power Automate. Let’s take the example when a person sends an email to your Outlook email address. With Power Automate, you can see the contents of the email on Microsoft Teams.