Retool: Customize Apps and Build Internal Business Tools

You may be curious to know how to customize apps for your business without prior knowledge of coding.

Or, you may be looking for automation software to simplify your business processes.

Companies need to transform manual processes into automated transactions to save time, effort, and money. 

Office-based processes are usually time-consuming and high-cost when done manually. 

Therefore, switching to a low-code app development platform can reduce overhead, turnaround time, and human errors.

As the world continues to go online, it is important to keep up with the fast-changing processes of businesses

According to Gartner, more than 50% of medium-large businesses will be integrating low-code as their essential app platform. 

So, let’s find out how Retool can successfully automate and simplify workflow across enterprises and organizations

What is the Retool App Development Platform, and how does it help to customize apps and internal business tools?

Retool is a low-code platform designed for enterprises to allow them to build bespoke internal business tools such as dropdowns, text boxes, and tables. It is ideal for computer engineers, developers, and IT teams that know how to use essential database tools like Excel, SQL, and MongoDB.

Using this platform, the IT department builds an internal tool, while the non-technical team from customer support, operations, and marketing can access and utilize that tool in the “user” setting. Internal tools are built by connecting building blocks to APIs and databases.

Retool connects you with specific data sources as it expects you to have basic knowledge of databases, SQL, and other tools. In addition, this low-code development platform has a wide selection of templates with over 20 options. 

The template gallery contains explanatory pages and imports React or extends using JS.

Developers and engineers use Retool as a backend tool, while internal teams such as those in admin panels, product marketing, and customer support are the users. 

However, this platform doesn’t allow developers or engineers to create multilingual apps.

How does Retool differ from other platforms that can customize apps?

Unlike other app development tools or platforms, Retool comes with “editor mode,” which allows users to design a user interface and write queries. Depending on the plan you choose to use, this platform offers various functions that make it different from other software programs.

For instance, it enables you to utilize the query library and create share, and retrieve queries for APIs or databases. If you set it in user mode, the platform allows you to build or customize apps beyond the editor interface. This gives you revision history and versioned releases that allow you to easily revert the app when needed.

Moreover, you can create user groups while assigning each group to certain permissions in the app. 

The platform also provides audit logs that allow you to check all written queries including writing and reading from databases and APIs.

Another great thing about Retool that makes it stand out from the rest is that you can control it with Git. Meaning, the team from this platform will work with you to create custom connectors. 

Subscribers will receive dedicated success managers and even shared Slack channels with the Retool team.

Who is Retool for?

Employees who are a little bit tech-savvy and willing to learn how to simplify and automate their processes can take advantage of the Retool platform. In addition, managers who are tired of supervising their teams to do manual tasks with traditional software systems can benefit from this app development program.

If you’re a manager of an enterprise or a large corporation, it’s beneficial to use a low-code platform designed for your business processes and needs. Retool is also perfect for both developers and engineers who know about database and scripting languages like SQL and Javascript.

For those who are looking to use a platform to customize apps and build internal business tools that allow the creation and sharing of relational databases, Retool is one of the best options. With an easy-to-use interface and quick database spin-up, this platform is a must-have for IT departments in organizations and companies.

Other common benefits of this platform include storing, organizing, and collaborating data such as product inventories and employee records. 

In your dashboard, you can also make interactive visual analytics to ensure your business is on the right track.

The dashboards are designed to support easier data conversion into understandable and interactive graphics for non-technical end-users and analysts.  They are focused on visualization but don’t work with any unclean data. The key to making the most out of the dashboards is to properly clean your data in the internal database.

Which existing platforms can be integrated with Retool

The best thing about Retool is that you can connect it with any existing platform with APIs. It connects to almost anything with GraphQL or REST API. 

With an increasing number of native integrations, this platform is faster to connect with any data source.

In addition, Retool can also be integrated with Salesforce or any SQL server you want. That way, you can develop customized features with the team from Retool. 

Here is a list of the API integrations you can do with this app development platform:

  • Asana – a collaborative project management tool.
  • Basecamp – a web-based work management tool.
  • – a sales productivity program with inbuilt SMS, email, and call.
  • Datadog – a cloud-scale app monitoring service.
  • Firestore – a Firebase NoSQL backend service with real-time inbuilt updates.
  • Google Cloud Storage – a universal, highly durable, and scalable object storage.
  • Jira – an agile development issue monitoring tool.
  • Lambda – runs code without using a managing server.
  • OneSignal – an API for sending a mobile push notification, in-app and email messaging, SMS, and web push.
  • REST API – an architectural API that allows users to build API endpoints.
  • SendGrid – customer communication program for marketing and transactional email.
  • Twilio – an API for sending and receiving voice calls and SMS.
  • Zendesk – builds successful software for support teams. 

On the other hand, there are database integrations that you can do with Retool. 

The following are the most common database APIs that can be integrated with this app development platform:

  • AWS Redshift – a fully-managed, petabyte-scale database service.
  • BigQuery – a fully managed, data warehouse without a server.
  • CouchDB – allows to access data through an internationally distributed server cluster.
  • Denodo – offers a data virtualization level on existing databases.
  • Elasticsearch – a distributed, REST-based analytics and search engine.
  • Google Sheets – designed for creation and collaboration on spreadsheets.
  • MySQL – an open-source relational data management system.
  • Oracle – a relational, multi-model data management system.
  • PostgreSQL – an open-source relational data management system.
  • Redis – an open-source, built-in memory data storage.
  • Snowflake – a cloud database platform accessible globally on GCP, Azure, and AWS.Vertica – a distributed, private column-store DBMS.

These are only some of the API and database integrations you can use with Retool. You can find the complete list in the Retool Integrations section. With plenty of options you can use, it’s easier to find the right tools so you can build customized features for your business apps.

Is Retool worth an investment?

Choosing an application development platform is not an easy task. There’s a wide selection of features to choose from.

However, if you want a more affordable low-code platform to automate your business apps including internal tools, automation, apps, process apps, and data collection apps, Retool can provide you with great results.

Even complex apps that involve RPA or AI can be built with the Retool platform.

So before you decide to automate your business processes and eliminate manual software systems, make sure to consider this unbiased review of Retool. 

Are you ready to simplify your workflow? Switching to this automation tool could be the best decision.

What is Slack?

Slack is a great business communication tool to be used among team members working in one organization or on one common project, regardless of where they are located.

Check out our article here – Slack: An Excellent Communication Tool For Remote Teams An Intelligent Workload Automation Platform

Why do you need an automation platform?

Isn’t it exhausting to do similar tasks repeatedly just because you need to mirror them on different platforms? Are you looking for the best automation platform?

Imagine sitting on your eight-hour work, only to feel how little you have done for the day.

Because you use different tools, your time is mostly spent switching from one tool to another, even if you are dealing with the same data set. Your work has become repetitive. From a powerful form builder to automation, you need an easy-to-use platform that consolidates all your tools.

What if there’s a way for you to integrate all those tools? What if you could finally do several repetitive tasks automatically? 

Just think about how much time and effort you could have saved. Just think about the many more essential things you could have done with your time. Could you use an automation platform?

Well, I have good news for you. Yes, there is a way to do that through the platform

What is

What is iPaas? is an iPaaS or Integration Platform as a Service platform that generates simple one-to-one integrations and intricate jobs through dragging and dropping. 

You do not even need to know how to do coding. Its economical price and beginner-friendly interface set apart from its big competitors

The best iPaaS solution designs the automation platform in the solution. A product needs to succeed.

This platform was developed in 2016 by a team of developers who, albeit new to the industry, have continuously worked hard to position themselves as one of the best options for task automation. 

This San Francisco and India-based company has garnered over 30,000 customers, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies spread over 93 countries. 

Is Automate io safe? How Can It Help You? 

  1. The very reason you would want to use is to simplify things. Hence, it is only right that its user interface is anything but complex. 

The target market of this platform is not the developers, programmers, or anyone tech-savvy.  

Any small or startup business owner can easily navigate the platform using its drag-and-drop interface. 

Unlike other tools that require manual coding and technical knowledge, says goodbye to these complex methods. 

2. Do you need to synchronize your data from your email to your calendar? This is an example of a single-step action you can integrate using You need to define the trigger app and the action app.  

This is similar to turning the lights on where the switch is the trigger, and switching it on is the trigger event. Once triggered, the bulb then does the action.  

In, once you set up your trigger-action model, the bots will automatically do the tasks for you. 

3. While being able to automate single-step actions, that is not always the case. Some businesses would require several tools and more than one action. This iPaaS platform is not limited to single-step actions alone. It could also help you automate complex and multiple-step actions. 

4. Remember when I told you that is great even for beginners? I am serious about that. As a newbie to iPaaS platforms who do not know where to start, you can still easily automate your business using its pre-built automation templates. 

The developers understand the most commonly used workflows used by businesses. To help them jumpstart their integration efforts, they have prepared the templates for their clients. 

5. Are you scrolling through the array of pre-built integrations but cannot find the specific applications you use for your business?

You do not need to worry because has the functionality to connect any application using its built-in API connectors. 

With this integration platform, you can connect to over 200 cloud applications. It has webhooks and Rest API to help you link to other apps. 

6. As you may already know, no amount of data is created equal. You need to filter and format them before you can organize them. 

Thankfully, has powerful features that do all the above tasks for you. It performs advanced functionalities, including formatting data, adding conditional logic, or incorporating time delays into your workflows. 

7. Have you noticed how working remotely has become a trend these days? Some teams have members from all around the world. The advancement in technology makes it possible to collaborate with all the members, whether you are in the same location or scattered worldwide.  

The platform also has sharing and collaboration capabilities for your team. With this iPaaS automation platform, you can create and share your workflows with your team members. It allows multiple members to work on one project at once, thus cultivating a culture of automation throughout your company. 

8. When you have a brick-and-mortar store, you usually hire a security guard, install CCTV, use reliable locks, and take other security measures. This ensures that all your stocks and assets are safe from theft and intrusion. Just like in the real world, digital work also presents risks and dangers.  

To ensure the safety of its clients’ businesses, has developed features for this purpose. They include audit logs, data retention, and data encryption at rest and transit.

Can It Be Integrated with Other Apps? is a five-year-old company considered fairly new compared to most of its competitors. However due to its constant software development, it can now support more than 100 of the most popular SaaS platforms available today.

Are you hesitant because you are unsure if is compatible with your current software? Do not be concerned; it has an extensive collection of integrations in different categories. There is a huge chance this iPaaS platform supports your applications.  

Some of the apps you can integrate are listed below. Remember that these are just a few of the apps they support. There are plenty more not on this list. 

  • Google Tasks, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Workspace, Google Meet 
  • Microsoft One Note, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Office 
  • Facebook, Facebook Pages, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Ads 
  • Twitter, Instagram, Instagram Business, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Buffer 
  • Trello, ClickUp, Basecamp, Asana, Wrike 
  • Mailchimp, AWeber, Drip, Click Funnels 
  • Salesforce, Zoho, Outreach, Automation Platform
  • Weebly, Wix, WooCommerce, Shopify 
  • WordPress, RSS Feed, Drupal 
  • Square, Paypal, Quickbooks, Xero 
  • Slack, Discord, RingCentral 
  • Webhooks, Clearbit, Sentiment Analysis 
  • Jot Forms, Type Forms, Unbounce 
  • Zoom, Go To Webinar, Webinar Jam 
  • Dropbox, Dropbox Business, Amazon S3 
  • My SQL, Amazon Redshift, Oracle DB, Snowflake 

What is the price for Automate io? offers flexible plans. Refer to the screenshot attached below for further details on their pricing options.


Although a new player in the field, is a well-designed, feature-packed integration platform that is competitively priced. Their team offers superb technical support to its clients. The developers are constantly updating the platform by adding integrations and functionalities occasionally. ‘ Do you have a business? Be it small or big, being able to automate several repetitive tasks can significantly help you work efficiently. It can save you a lot of time and energy, so you can better spend it on something more important. You need to focus more on growing your business, don’t you? Isn’t it amazing to define workflows and have bots work on your repetitive tasks while you do something else to develop your company? Are you ready to take back the time you wasted? Are you eager to work more on developing your product and services? Are you excited to start building your empire? Then, it is time to automate some of your tasks. Start exploring the platform, or ask us any questions that you might have. We are here to help.

What is Asana?

Asana is a web application intended to help groups create, track, and manage their work. The software helps the group lead a project from inception to completion with these simple criteria: 

  1. Break each part of the project into smaller tasks. 

2. Appoint these tasks to individuals. 

3. Allot a deadline corresponding to each task.

Check out our article here – Asana: Stay Organized and Connected!

What is Slack?

Slack is a great business communication tool for team members working in one organization or on one common project, regardless of location.

Check out our article here – Slack: An Excellent Communication Tool For Remote Teams.

Workato: An Oustanding Platform for Automation and Integration

Looking to automate your processes and workflows?

Automation and integration give businesses a competitive edge. In about 60 percent of occupations, at least one-third of the activities that make up a specific job could be automated (McKinsey, 2017).

Enterprises that still depend on manual workflows are not just ineffective but rather wasteful. There are plenty of platforms that can support automation for businesses.

The time, finances, and human resources spent on these tedious tasks could have been poured into more meaningful projects – projects that have actual impact on the company’s growth and success.

Gartner: #1 Customer and Named Leader 3 Years in a Row

To overcome this major hurdle, Workato offers businesses a top-notch solution that guarantees outstanding results. It promises seamless and low-code automation of business workflows.

Workato augments the processing capacity of your business by allowing you to transport data to and from several apps and software through an incredible app integration system.

In this review, we’ll explain bit by bit how Workato maximizes the potential, productivity, and output of any business.

Workato is comparative to Power Automate and also check out our automate with UiPath article here.

What is Workato? A one-stop solution to automation and integration

With the unfolding of the advanced information age, companies and organizations rely more and more on applications and software to execute their daily tasks.  

The latest statistics reveal that roughly 10% of businesses globally use 200 apps on average that include social media, personal productivity, and business applications like Salesforce and Jira.

Without a fully integrated system, data stored and managed in these apps are scattered, presenting serious problems in the operations and capacity of a business. 

This has been the prime mission of Workato from the very start – to create a far-reaching and powerful automated platform that can integrate all the working apps of any enterprise. 

Workato offers sophisticated solutions that guarantee seamless, reliable, and secured flow of data between multiple applications and software.

They also simplified the transition of manual processes to modern automation by employing machine learning and their patented technology.  

The brilliant innovators behind Workato developed the platform in such a way that it is low-code but remains easily customizable. In this way, companies wouldn’t have to spend additional resources on technical service and training.  

The platform has been servicing 7,000+ businesses from different industries and the feedback is truly remarkable. It is currently paving the way for smart automation, establishing a solid ground as a leader in the market.  

So, How does Workato’s Automation and Integration Operate?

The goal of app integration is to make your apps communicate so that all the data stored in the business’ information system can be accessed and processed simultaneously without the need for manual data entry or migration.   

Typically, app integration requires some hard-core coding and IT work, especially when you want to customize it depending on your business operations. However, Workato eliminates entirely the coding work through its built-in and automated “recipes”.  

Workato’s recipes include step-by-step instructions that dictate when app integration should kick in and should execute a wide range of tasks involved in your business workflow.  

The recipes have three main components – triggers, connections, and actions. The trigger in its literal sense serves as a signal to get the integration working. It prompts a cascade of steps that execute tasks, conditions, and requirements defined by the user.  

Last and most importantly is the connection that plays a vital role in app integration. The connection component links Workato with target business applications.

Once the connection is made by Workato’s automation platform, the data in each app can readily be accessed and processed by its counterpart.

Who Can Use Workato?

Workato’s automation and integration capabilities could really be a big help for businesses that aim to upscale their operations. Not only could they evade doing repetitive tasks manually, but they could also reduce their need for additional resources.  

Managers can easily organize, supervise, and assist their subordinates through Workato. The platform enables managers to view, approve, review, or decline requests/events submitted by their employees.  

Moreover, with cross-departmental sharing of data, managers can make more informed and logical decisions since all the supporting and necessary data are made available by the software platform.

Workato vs Airtable

Workato is also a useful tool for businesses that capitalize on lead management. Normally, data entry specialists would need a significantly long time to update and enrich customer profiles across several apps, thus delaying the sales rep’s actions. This problem often leads to a loss of potential clients and opportunities. 

However, with Workato, you can sync any update across several apps and can forward the lead and accompanying data to the designated sales rep. This happens quickly and accurately.  

Because of its simplified and user-friendly interface, everyone can use Workato – managers, consultants, HR, accountants, entrepreneurs. Anyone who wants to skip the repetitive, time-consuming, and unproductive routine tasks can find great solace in using Workato. 

How Different Is Workato From Other Platforms That Offer Automation and Integration Solution?

Workato is not the sole app integration and automation provider in the market. But it is certainly one of the best. 

First, unlike other providers, Workato promises its clients zero loss of data. The software can transfer huge amounts of data efficiently and quickly as possible.

Moreover, Workato ensures that the data before automation is implemented remains accessible. And most importantly, Workato prevents any loss of data whenever it faces an interruption.   

Second, Workato employs a superior level of data security and governance. The platform placed strong safeguards to protect its client’s data from third-party intrusion.

The data handled, processed, and stored by Workato is encrypted using the company’s top-notch encryption algorithm. Additional layers of protection like data masking and data localization can also be employed under the customer’s discretion.  

Automation may sound so intimidating at first, but Workato makes sure that people with and without coding backgrounds can use the platform hassle-free and comfortably.

The interface of the platform is guaranteed user-friendly. Learning the basic set of commands and operations is also easier than most IPAAS, although mastery requires more experience and training.

Workato really set the bar high in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) by exploring the potential of mixing API and UI- based automation. This feature increases the performance of the platform in solving different problems by appropriating the correct system with the type of problem at hand.

Lastly, Workato does not let you suffer alone. Its customer support is among its best qualities. Clients can reach out to the team through various channels – phone, emails, and chatbox.

The team is extremely responsive and will walk you through your hurdles with the platform. They also provide you with materials and resources on how to use the software based on your needs.   

What Are The Existing Integrations with the Platform? 

Workato works closely with over 1000+ apps in sales, productivity, customer service, human resource, production, development, finance, and many more. 

The most integrated apps in Workato are the following:  

  • Salesforce
  • Slack
  • Jira
  • Trello
  • ServiceNow
  • Zendesk
  • Google Suite 
  • Microsoft Team 
  • Easy projects 
  • NetSuite 
  • Shopify
  • Chargify
  • FedEx
  • Paypal
  • Snowflake
  • Codeship
  • Microsoft 365 
  • Adobe
  • Zoom 

Final Say

Workato brings you the future of business workflows through its seamless, reliable, and highly efficient automation and app integration.

Workato proves to be a powerful platform that can connect the apps involved in your business operations smoothly, securely, and quickly.  

A system as reliable as Workato becomes more appealing because of its no-low code API management. As a result, employees with no technical background in programming can still use the platform well.

Furthermore, Workato sticks to its mandate of helping its clients throughout their journey in automation.  This software can truly bring astounding improvements in the company’s decision-making, management, collaborations, and overall productivity. The time is now.Go have the future in your hands.  

What is Slack?

Slack is a great business communication tool to be used among team members working in one organization or on one common project, regardless of where they are located. 

Check out our article hereSlack: An Excellent Communication Tool For Remote Team

IFTTT: A Simple Automation Tool for Ultimate Convenience

If you haven’t tried out an IFTTT automation yet, you are missing out a lot!

The world of automation has grown in leaps and bounds these past two decades and continues to expand exponentially. It seems that there is no slowing it down any time soon. 

Now, many excellent web applications allow users to create automated workflows without needing to type in a single line of code.

They use APIs.  If you would like to know more, click here.

If This, Then That (IFTTT) is an application that has gained popularity due to its easy and accessible user interface and ability to create custom workflows tailored to the user’s needs.

What is IFTTT?

IFTTT, is an online service that simplifies the users life. It does so by allowing users to create a chain of simple actions and functions termed as applets.  

IFTTT is supported by both iOS (10 or later) and Android (4.4 or later) and has been around since 2011. However, it’s stable release for both iOS and Android took place in late 2019.

As an alternative to the application, you can also access IFTTT through its website (

IFTTT is a part of the Internet of Things (IoT), which means that it can perform computer-to-computer tasks without the need for human input each time.

By removing the demand for continuous human interaction, IFTTT helps save time by performing automated actions and interacting with other applications and computing devices on your behalf.  

IFTTT has a free or paid option for users, and charges developers and requires a minimum 12-month contract (further details below) or on their site –

How Does It Work? 

If This Then That is easy to use and boasts a smart and accessible interface that allows users to launch quick and hassle-free operations.

The application is very user friendly. It helps you conserve time and energy by serving as a remote through which you can control other online platforms as well as most smart devices within your home. 

IFTTT is a lot like Zapier

Quick reminder of how Zapier works:

  1. Choose a Trigger: Pick a trigger function in an app that will activate your zap. Common examples include receiving a new email in Gmail or receiving a new lead on Facebook.  
  2. Choose an Action: After selecting a trigger, choose an action from the Zapier menu. This action will primarily concern the other apps you will Zap together with your first one.  
  3. Let Zapier Handle It: Once you’ve linked together with other apps by giving them all an action to perform concerning your trigger function, you can sit back and relax. Watch as Zapier securely relays information and instructions between your zapped apps. 

Check out the article here.

If you’re wondering how to use IFTTT, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered! 

Starting Out 

You can start out by making a free account on either the IFTTT webpage or app. The sign-up process takes seconds. All you need is your email ID or Facebook account details.  


If This Then That is based upon applets. You can create customized workflows by making a list of multiple applications and linking them together through mutual actions and triggers.  

Here’s an example of an applet: 

“Every time (name of online magazine) publishes an article in its technology section, send me an email notification.” 

Isn’t that brilliant? Think about all the time you’ll be saving by using applets. All you need to do is create a workflow with IFTTT and set a custom prompt to trigger an action you’d like.  

However, remember that only companies and platforms that have partnered with IFTTT can be featured in your applets.

Luckily, there are plenty of options to choose from, and you’re likely to find all your favourites on there. 

Pre-Made Applets 

IFTTT has been around since 2011. What started out as an amateur attempt at programming has now become a successful platform that caters to all popular applications and many technological devices, too, including smart locks, the TV, smart lights, and thermostats.  

There are also many pre-made applets available. These can prove to be extremely helpful, especially if you’re someone who’s just starting out on IFTTT.  

You can find pre-made applets using the handy search tool on the IFTTT website or app. Do so by entering your subject and hitting the enter tab.

For example, if you’re looking for an applet to help control your thermostat, simply type in the keyword “thermostat” or the company’s name.  

Feel free to browse through the options and select an applet that works for you. If you can’t find a suitable alternative, go ahead and make a custom applet.  

How to Make an Applet 

As long as the device or application you want to make an applet with has ties with IFTTT, you can make a custom applet using IFTTT. 

Here’s how to do it: 

  • Log in to your IFTTT account 
  • Click on the “My Applets” tab at the top of the screen 
  • Choose the “New Applet” option (upper right corner) 
  • You will be taken to a screen that boasts the words “if this then that;” click the blue “+this” section of the text 
  • You will be given a list of options (triggers and actions) to choose from; use these to create a custom workflow  

What Devices Work with IFTTT? 

Here is a list of popular smart devices and companies that work with IFTTT: 

  • Google Home  
  • Alexa 
  • Samsung SmartThings 
  • Philips Hue 
  • Wyze 
  • Ecobee 
  • August 
  • GE appliances 
  • Home Connect 
  • LG appliances 
  • Nest 

These are the most commonly used devices and platforms. You can check out the full list on IFTTT’s Services page. 


IFTTT offers two different sets of plans, one for individuals and another one for developers.

For Individuals

Standard – $0 / Forever

  • Create 3 Applets of your own
  • Turn on unlimited Applets

Pro – $3.99 / Month

  • Unlimited Applet creation
  • Turn on unlimited Applets
  • Multi-step Applets with queries, conditional logic and multiple actions
  • Faster execution for polling and realtime Applets
  • Customer support

For Developers

Developer – $199 / Year

  • Expose and expand the reach of your API to an ecosystem of 20M users, 200K developers, and 650+ services.
  • x1 service with triggers, actions and queries
  • Works with IFTTT badge for marketing materials
  • API performance and health dashboards
  • Email support

Team – Pay as you grow

  • Everything included with Developer
  • Embed integrations anywhere with IFTTT Connect
  • Monthly price per connected user
  • Standard analytics and user insights
  • Prioritized support

Enterprise – Custom pricing

  • Everything included with Team
  • Unlimited services for your products
  • Premium analytics and Business insights
  • Enterprise SLAs with dedicated account management

Pros and Cons 

Like every application, IFTTT comes with its own set of pros and cons. In this section, we will cover all the benefits of using IFTTT and go over the app’s downsides. 


  • IFTTT is a coding-free platform. This is precisely why IFTTTT is so popular. Anyone can use it to link multiple applications together, regardless of whether they know how to code or not. 
  • All your favorite applications work with IFTTT. This means that you can create workflows that incorporate digital platforms like Facebook, Weebly, YouTube, Spotify, Wattpad, Tumblr, Gmail, and more! 
  • Using IFTTT saves you time. Gone are the days when you’d have to do everything manually. Now, all you need to do is create an applet, link up your desired apps or devices, and let IFTTT take care of the rest while you focus on performing more important tasks. 
  • If you don’t have time to create an applet, you can easily find a pre-made one and use it to simplify your life. 
  • IFTTT is free to use (unless you’re a developer) 


  • There have been multiple reports of some applets not working the way they’re supposed to. However, such glitches are rare and can easily be resolved by making a few tweaks to the workflow or choosing a pre-made applet that works. 
  • IFTTT has a limited number of actions available. So, you may not always find what you’re searching for. 

Final Thoughts: Is IFTTT Worth It? 

IFTTT is free for users but paid for developers.  

If you’re a casual user wondering whether the application is worth downloading, remember that it’s 100% free for you and can help you simplify your life in many ways.

So, go ahead and download the application onto your smart device, or sign up for it using a web browser.  

However, if you’re a developer, you may want to put some thought into it. Developers have to pay to play (starting at $199 per year.)

According to customer reviews by real developers, IFTTT is worth investing in because it is more affordable than the majority of its competitors, including Zapier.

However, Zapier is more flexible than IFTTT and allows you to create workflows with multiple actions instead of just one. 

All in all, IFTTT is definitely worth it for casual users. It’s free and compatible with all popular web applications and most smart devices.

As for developers, if you’re looking for a low-budget platform, IFTTT may be the perfect answer for you.  


Zapier: Say Goodbye To Repetitive Tasks!

What is Zapier?

Is it the best automation software you can get today?

Zapier is a task automation platform, meaning that it allows users to integrate the different web applications they use. The team is based in California but has a global reach as well as employees based in the United States and 23 other countries.

We think it is the best automation software platform on the market because it is easy to integrate and they have thousands of APIs.

If you are unsure of what an API is, check it out here.

The platform was launched in August 2012 and has since then become one of the most popular web app integration platforms in the market. 

Zapier has over 2000 applications for you to choose from and works with all your favorite websites, including Facebook, Gmail, and YouTube, to allow for a hassle-free user experience.  

It is definitely one of the best automation software available today.

How It Works  

Zapier has one aim: to connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. This means that you’ll only have to send out one set of instructions for a specific task, and the instructions will be replicated and sent out to all the other platforms you’ve linked together using Zapier. 

This linking has a unique term. When you link together two or more apps, it’s called “zapping” them together. Zapped apps are all in sync with one another and follow the same set of instructions entered by you. 

By zapping multiple apps together, you can create your own unique, personalized workflow that’s suited to all your needs.  

For example, you may want to link your Gmail account with your Dropbox account and have Zapier handle the process of shifting all your Gmail attachments to your Dropbox account. 

Instead of opening up every email you get, selecting the attachments, and manually shifting them all to Dropbox one by one, you can zap the two platforms together and allow Zapier to handle the processes for you.  

By doing so, you will be effectively saving yourself precious minutes, which will, over time, add up to hours, days, and so on. 

By allowing Zapier to handle all the mundane, background tasks for you, you will be free to continue working on the things that matter, like finishing your next assignment or planning for a major project. 

Many people also employ Zapier to take care of their email replies. For example, you can instruct Zapier to send a welcome email each time someone registers for your newsletter.  

Zapier works by allowing you to set a trigger function, which will then be followed up by a set of predetermined actions.  

Here is a more detailed explanation of how you can use Zapier: 

  1. Choose a Trigger: Pick a trigger function in an app that will activate your zap. Common examples include receiving a new email in Gmail or receiving a new lead on Facebook.  
  1. Choose an Action: After selecting a trigger, choose an action from the Zapier menu. This action will primarily concern the other apps you will Zap together with your first one.  
  1. Let Zapier Handle It: Once you’ve linked together with other apps by giving them all an action to perform concerning your trigger function, you can sit back and relax. Watch as Zapier securely relays information and instructions between your zapped apps.  

Zapier is known for its brilliant user interface that is sensible, detailed, and extremely easy to use. It takes a handful of minutes to set up your Zapier account.

In turn, you will be saving large amounts of time each day by allowing the platform to do tedious tasks on your behalf. At the same time, you focus on more important things, like communicating with clients and making sales.


Zapier is one of the best automation software in the market and has a fantastic set of features that you can use to make your life much simpler. 

Here is a summary of these features: 

  • Sync your workflow with Google Calendar 
  • Create zaps using triggers and actions and allow for ongoing sync of data across multiple platforms 
  • Enjoy ongoing maintenance of all APIs 
  • Ability to extend your current workflow by integrating even more apps and actions into it 
  • Enjoy automatic data entry 
  • Over 2000 apps to choose from 
  • Pre-made list of triggers and actions; all you have to do is select the ones you need 
  • Use any app to start your workflow and end it with whichever set of apps suits your requirements  

Zapier also has an extremely convenient method of usage. Setting up workflows and zapping together apps takes mere minutes and can save you not just hours but days in the long run.  

Is Zapier safe?

  • Credentials that you use to connect your accounts to Zapier are protected with bank-level encryption.
  • Zapier has been fully GDPR compliant since May 25th, 2018. It acts both as a Data Controller and as a Data Processor within the realm of GDPR compliance:

As a Data Controller, you’re responsible for safeguarding the data of your customers as they interact directly with services integrated with Zapier.

As a Data Processor, Zapier is responsible for safeguarding the data of our partners’ and customers’ users as it flows through our system.

  • Zapier has been fully CCPA compliant since January 1st, 2020
  • Zapier does not claim HIPAA compliance, and cannot advise on how Zapier usage may or may not comply with your unique requirements.
EncryptionGDPR ComplianceCCPA ComplianceHIPAA Compliance

For more information on Zapier’s privacy and security, click here.

Pros and Cons of Zapier

Zapier, like any app, has its own set of pros and cons. 

Multiple plans to choose from; users can select one that works best for them Expensive
Accessible user interface Some applications offer limited functions, so you may still need to create some integrations outside of Zapier, defeating the purpose of the app 
Over 2000 apps to choose from 
Users do not need to know how to code 
Excellent customer support


Zapier’s pricing competes with some of the best automation software in the market. It offers a set of plans, all of which are priced at different levels. Here is a list of the plans and their prices: 

1. Free Plan 

Zapier’s free plan allows you to set up 5 zaps with a 15 minute update time. Users can enjoy up to 100 tasks a month performed by Zapier. This plan includes single step zaps.  

2. Starter Plan 

The starter plan costs $19.99 per month when billed annually, or $24.99 when billed each month. This plan allows users to create 20 zaps with a 15 minute update time. One can enjoy up to 750 tasks per month.  

Here are the other features included in this plan: 

  • Multi-step zaps 
  • 3 premium apps 
  • Filters 
  • Formatters 
  • Connections via webhooks 

3. Professional Plan 

The professional plan costs $49 per month when billed annually, or $61.25 when billed month-to-month.

This plan allows users to create unlimited zaps with a 2 minute update time. This is a massive upgrade from the previous plans. One can enjoy up to 2000 tasks per month with a professional plan. 

Here are the other features included in this plan: 

  • Multi-step zaps 
  • Unlimited premium apps 
  • Custom logic paths 
  • Filters 
  • Formatters 
  • Connections via webhooks 
  • Auto replay 

4. Team Plan 

The team plan costs $299 per month when billed annually, or $373.75 when billed every month. This plan allows users to create unlimited zaps with a 1 minute update time. One can enjoy up to a staggering 50,000 tasks per month with the team plan. 

Here are the other features included in this plan: 

  • Multi-step zaps 
  • Unlimited premium apps 
  • Custom logic paths 
  • Filters 
  • Formatters 
  • Connections via webhooks 
  • Auto replay 
  • Unlimited users 
  • Folder permissions 
  • Premier support 
  • Shared app connections 
  • Shared workspace for teams 

5. Company Plan 

The company plan costs $599 per month when billed annually, or $748.75 when billed on a monthly basis. This plan enables its users to create unlimited zaps with a 1 minute update time. Users can enjoy up to 100,000 tasks per month with the company plan. 

Here are the other features included in this plan: 

  • Multi-step zaps 
  • Unlimited premium apps 
  • Custom logic paths 
  • Filters 
  • Formatters 
  • Connections via webhooks 
  • Auto replay 
  • Unlimited users 
  • Folder permissions 
  • Premier support 
  • Shared app connections 
  • Shared workspace for teams 
  • Apps restrictions 
  • Account consolidation 
  • Custom data retention 
  • Advanced admin permissions 
  • User provisioning (SCIM) 
  • SAML sing sign on (SSO) 


All in all, Zapier is an excellent application that can save your time if used effectively, making it one of the best automation software you can get today. However, it is wildly expensive and may take some getting used to despite the overall convenient user interface. 
