5 Further Learning Platforms That Can Help Your Business Become a Success

Your business can thrive in good times and bad if you’re investing in the skills training for your employees. A report from LinkedIn revealed that 85% of learning and development professionals believe that building employees’ skills will greatly help businesses navigate the future of work. Companies would no longer need to find and train new people once they already have employees trained in in-demand skills like marketing, project management, and communication.

Businesses can also gain more loyal employees due to these learning opportunities. These opportunities can satisfy some of the needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, such as esteem needs and safety needs. For example, their self-esteem may be boosted due to the sense of achievement and recognition from these learning opportunities. They may also feel more safe and secure in their role because they learn skills important for their career.

So if you want to reap all these benefits for your business, here are the five platforms that you should use for your employees’ learning and development:

1. Coursera

Your business can break gender gaps and get more skilled workers through online learning platforms.

Industry findings by Coursera showed that women made up 29% of tech course enrolments in 2022. Now that the tech industry has a skills and talent shortage, employers can use learning platforms like Coursera to enroll their employees in online courses that teach in-demand skills. Your employees will be taught by university professors from Duke University or Imperial College London on the short courses, certificate programs, and even degree programs on Coursera. Thus, you can sign up your employees for these further learning courses to create a more inclusive and skilled workforce for your business.

2. Edureka

Do you want your employees to further improve their knowledge in a certain technology skill set?

You can sign them up for internship or even master’s degree programs on Edureka. New employees with limited work experience can be enrolled in the internship programs of this learning platform to refine their knowledge in Data Science or Full Stack Web Development. Meanwhile, senior employees can take up Master’s degree programs on the learning platform to further specialize in their skill set. Through these learning programs, you can ensure your employees have enough experience and knowledge for challenging tasks.

3. Studocu

Your employees can absorb more information from online courses, especially if they can refer to study notes about the topic or the course itself.

They can use the top-rated study notes from Studocu to better understand the information and practices shared in online lectures. This learning app provides free summaries, lecture notes, and even exam prep materials from people studying at Australian National University and other top universities within the country. By reading the study notes of fellow students, your employees can improve their recall of information and apply more of their learnings in their job.

4. Blinkist

Aside from using study notes, your employees can also speed up their learning process with the help of fifteen-minute explainer videos or articles.

These short explainers are available through the Blinkist app, which already has millions of global users. Many people benefit from this app because they create articles and audio files that can help people understand the key ideas of books and podcasts within fifteen minutes. These short explanations are useful for busy employees because they can learn new ideas immediately and apply them to their work in fifteen minutes.

5. eLearn Australia

Do your employees have to learn specific skills for your business?

You can work with eLearn Australia to ensure your employees pick up best practices and information relevant to your business. Similarly, partnering with a dedicated LMS development company can provide customized solutions that align with your corporate training objectives and industry standards.The learning and development company creates e-learning strategies and mobile learning tools to integrate into your preferred learning management system. These custom e-learning tools will be worth the investment because you can ensure that your employees only learn information that applies to their specific role and is beneficial for your business’s success.

Your employees can demonstrate in-demand skills once they learn new information through these platforms. You can even assign more intensive tasks to your employees and then automate other processes in your business through The Business Blocks. This setup allows your business to have streamlined operations, enhanced productivity, recognized employees, and better resource allocation.

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