Tips For Starting An Online Business

When you’re starting an online business, one thing you should always keep in mind is that thanks to technological updates, the business world is constantly changing, adapting, and growing. Even well-established businesses need to change with the rest of the economy to stay relevant. 

In a world where small businesses very rarely survive the first year, you need to get it right from the get-go. While there are many things you’ll need to get your head around when starting a business, the key is to just do it. So, here are some quick tips on starting a small business to help you out:

1. Plan properly

Ever heard the saying that if you don’t plan, you plan to fail? Well, in this case, it’s true. Start by identifying where you want to be with your business and then plan how to get there. Planning ahead provides you with vision, goals, and an effective way to measure your success or failures. 

2. Choose the best business model

Choosing the right business model is pivotal to the success of your business. A business model refers to how a business creates, delivers, and captures its value. Within these three aspects, how the business relates to the economy, its services or products, and the method of providing these all add to its business model. 

The online business sector is a particular field that changes business models quite regularly. Now, let’s take a look at some of the most successful business models this year. 


E-commerce has been around for quite a while but is still booming more than ever. It’s essentially about businesses selling products and services online directly to customers. The global e-commerce market was valued at around $10 trillion in 2020 and is projected to grow to $27 trillion by 2027. This includes large companies like Amazon and Alibaba, which not only sell their own products but also host marketplaces for other sellers. There are also thousands of smaller and specialised businesses that operate on platforms like Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, and Alibaba.

E-commerce works so well because it provides a convenient and cost-effective way for nearly anyone to start selling products worldwide without the need to invest in physical stores. It also makes shopping super easy for buyers, who can just go online and purchase what they need and get it delivered to their front door. This simplifies the process of owning a store, making it suitable for one person to run. 


The freemium business model offers a basic version of a product or service for free while charging for access to premium features. For example, Spotify limits music streaming for free users but offers unlimited access to subscribers. Google and Apple allow for a limited amount of storage before you have to purchase more as well. Microsoft needs you to purchase the Windows licence before you can have its full features. These are just the same examples of how Freemium works. 

Marketplace and Platform

This model includes major e-commerce players like Amazon and Alibaba, which have evolved into massive marketplaces where anyone can start their own shop. It also includes more specialised platforms like eBay, Uber, Bobshop, Temu, and Airbnb. 

The big win for the platform or marketplace owners is that they don’t have to offer any products or services themselves; they simply take a percentage from each sale made through their platform. This category also encompasses big economy sites like Fiverr, Freelancer, and Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, which provide spaces for individuals to offer their services directly to businesses.


Subscriptions have been used to create a successful business model. This entails providing a service to people for a monthly fee. A good example of services like this would be Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime and other online services that require a subscription to use their product. 


You might find it surprising that this one made it here. Crowdfunding is when businesses utilise the money that’s voluntarily given to them by others. A good example of companies like this is Kickstarter and Indiegogo. These go-fund-me projects will usually be for something towards a good cause or an investment into producing new products. 

3. Work Smart

These modern business models don’t need tons of capital to get started. All you need is a laptop, a small pocket of capital and the knowledge to get started. Build a client basis first. Take it slow; there’s no need to rush into spending too much. Do a bit of testing to see if your product or service will sell first, and then go with it if it takes off. 

4. Enhance your Knowledge

In these kinds of business models, you’re your biggest asset. For that reason, you need to make sure that you know what you’re doing and that you can perform to the expected level. Studying further is a perfect way to do this. While there are a lot of courses out there related to these topics, nothing beats a good old business degree. Consider getting  a grad certificate in business admin or something along the same lines to give you a better foundation from which to start your business. 

Final Thoughts

The business world is full of opportunities, and with new improvements in technology every day, we’ll see more effective ways of doing business spring up often. Watch the market and learn where the need is. Who knows, you might invent the next business model. 

What is Web Scraping and Why Do Companies Need to Do It?

In the digital age, the strategic extraction of data from websites, known as web scraping, is crucial for businesses aiming to stay competitive. Central to this practice are proxies, with mobile proxies being particularly pivotal due to their enhanced ability to mimic genuine user behavior, thus minimizing the risk of detection and blocking.

Understanding Web Scraping

Web scraping is a methodical process where scripts or software automatically gather information from websites. This technique allows for the collection of large volumes of data at speeds and accuracies that manual data collection cannot match. The essence of web scraping lies in its ability to transform unstructured web content into structured data, ready for analysis or integration into business operations.

The Necessity of Proxies in Web Scraping

Accessing a website repeatedly from the same IP address during web scraping can lead to IP bans, as it often triggers anti-scraping mechanisms. Here, proxies come into play. They mask the user’s original IP address with another, granting anonymity and reducing the risk of detection. Proxies are not only shields but also enablers that provide the scraper with multiple gateways to the internet, simulating traffic from varied locations.

Why Mobile Proxies Stand Out

Mobile proxies route internet traffic through mobile devices connected to cellular networks. These proxies are highly effective because they use IP addresses shared by numerous real users on mobile networks, making it exceedingly difficult for websites to identify and block them. This is because blocking such an IP would risk denying access to a legitimate user base, which could be detrimental to the website’s traffic and user experience. If you want to purchase such proxies, we can recommend you an excellent cheap mobile proxy provider – Spaw.

The Strategic Importance of Web Scraping for Companies

1. Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis through web scraping involves the systematic collection of data from competitors’ websites, enabling businesses to gain deep insights into their pricing strategies, product offerings, and overall market positioning. This method allows companies to observe how competitors price similar products or services, what new products they are introducing, and how they are positioning themselves against the market at large. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify trends, pricing gaps, and opportunities for differentiation. This intelligence is crucial for crafting strategic decisions that can enhance market presence and competitiveness.

For instance, if a competitor lowers their prices, a company might decide to introduce a promotion or improve product features to maintain its market share. Essentially, web scraping for competitive analysis helps businesses stay agile, responsive, and informed in dynamic markets, thereby enabling them to adapt their strategies to meet market demands and consumer expectations more effectively.

2. Lead Generation

Lead generation via web scraping involves extracting valuable information from various online sources to identify potential customers and enhance marketing and sales strategies. This process targets data such as contact details, demographic information, and online behaviors from websites, social media platforms, and directories. With this data, companies can create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns, which are crucial for improving engagement and conversion rates.

For example, by scraping a trade show’s website for attendee information, a company can directly reach out to individuals who are likely interested in their products or services. Similarly, scraping social media can reveal trends and preferences of potential leads, allowing for tailored advertisements or direct messaging that resonates with the specific interests of the audience. This method not only streamlines the lead generation process but also enhances the efficiency of marketing efforts by focusing resources on high-potential prospects.

3. SEO Monitoring

SEO monitoring through web scraping is a critical practice for companies looking to optimize their online presence and enhance search engine rankings. By using web scraping tools, companies can automatically collect and analyze data on relevant keywords and the quality of backlinks across various websites. This information helps in understanding how well their site is performing in terms of search engine visibility compared to competitors. Tracking keywords allows businesses to identify which terms are driving traffic to their competitors and adjust their own SEO strategies to include these high-performing keywords.

Similarly, analyzing backlinks helps in determining the health and authority of the links pointing to their site, which is crucial for SEO. Companies can then work on acquiring better-quality backlinks and removing or disavowing links that could negatively impact their search rankings. Effective SEO monitoring enables companies to refine their content strategy, ensuring they remain highly visible to potential customers searching for relevant topics and services, thereby driving more organic traffic to their site.

4. Real-time Data

Real-time data collection through web scraping is especially crucial in fast-paced industries like travel and e-commerce, where prices and offers fluctuate frequently. By employing web scraping techniques, companies can monitor these changes as they happen across multiple competitor websites and platforms. This enables them to stay updated on the latest market trends, pricing adjustments, promotional offers, and availability of products or services.

For instance, travel agencies can track airline ticket prices and hotel rates, adjusting their own pricing strategies to offer competitive deals. E-commerce businesses use similar tactics to monitor competitor pricing for popular products, allowing them to adjust their prices to attract consumers looking for the best deals. This dynamic approach to pricing and offer management not only helps companies remain competitive but also enhances customer satisfaction by providing timely and attractive offers. Ultimately, real-time data facilitates informed decision-making and strategic agility, helping businesses optimize their operations and marketing efforts to better meet consumer demands.


Web scraping, facilitated by the anonymity and effectiveness of mobile proxies, is an indispensable tool for businesses in the modern digital ecosystem. It enables strategic decision-making based on data-driven insights, fostering a competitive edge in rapidly evolving markets. As companies continue to seek accuracy, efficiency, and speed in data collection, the role of mobile proxies in supporting web scraping activities will only grow more significant.

How To Effectively Showcase Your Coaching Skills And Experience

In the dynamic world of coaching, standing out and demonstrating the unique value you bring to the table is essential for attracting and retaining clients. Whether you’re a seasoned coach with years of experience or starting on your coaching journey, showcasing your skills and expertise is not just about highlighting your credentials; it’s about connecting with your audience on a deeper level, demonstrating your impact, and building trust.  

This guide will explore effective strategies to showcase your coaching skills and experience. From leveraging digital platforms to creating tangible resources and engaging directly with your community, these methods are designed to highlight your unique coaching approach, philosophy, and the transformative journey you facilitate for your clients.

1. Define Your Coaching Philosophy

Your coaching philosophy is a compass that guides your practice. It should reflect your core beliefs about growth, change, and the power of coaching. To elaborate, consider questions like: What do you believe is the most significant factor in achieving personal growth? How do you view the coach-client relationship? Expressing these beliefs on your coaching resume or website helps potential clients understand your approach and decide if it aligns with their needs.

2. Identify Your Coaching Niche

Identifying your niche involves a deep understanding of both your strengths as a coach and the specific needs of your target clients. For example, if you excel in helping clients navigate career transitions, how can you tailor your messaging to address the fears, aspirations, and challenges unique to this audience? Provide concrete examples of common scenarios you help with and the transformations you’ve facilitated.

3. Develop A Distinctive Coaching Brand

Your brand should encapsulate your identity as a coach and what sets you apart. This includes your visual identity (logo, color scheme) and your tone of voice. Are you more formal and analytical, or do you take a warm and empathetic approach? Your brand should be consistently reflected across all touchpoints, from your website to your social media platforms and marketing materials. Storytelling is a powerful tool here; share stories of your journey and pivotal moments that shaped you as a coach.

4. Showcase Qualifications And Real-World Experience

Beyond listing your certifications and qualifications, delve into the stories behind your experience. Did a particular course or certification challenge your thinking or change your coaching approach? How have these experiences prepared you to handle the specific challenges your clients face? Sharing these insights adds depth to your qualifications, making them more relatable and impactful.

5. Maximize The Impact Of Testimonials

When leveraging testimonials, focus on diversity and specificity. Testimonials that highlight different aspects of your coaching—such as your methodology, the personal growth clients experienced, or specific goals achieved—offer a multi-dimensional view of your impact. Encourage clients to be specific about their journey and the outcomes of your coaching sessions, as detailed stories are more engaging and persuasive than general praise.

6. Optimize Your Online Presence

In the digital age, your online presence is your storefront. To enhance engagement, regularly update your content with articles, insights, and coaching tips that showcase your expertise. Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial; use keywords that potential clients might use to find a coach like you. Additionally, consider incorporating interactive elements on your site, such as quizzes or assessments, which can provide value to visitors and encourage them to engage with your content.

7. Create An Interactive Online Community

Build an online community platform where clients and followers can interact, share their experiences, and support each other. This could be a private forum, a Facebook group, or a membership site. By facilitating discussions, sharing resources, and providing occasional free coaching within the community, you can create a vibrant ecosystem that reflects the transformative power of your coaching. This community not only serves as social proof of your impact but also fosters a sense of belonging among members, enhancing the perceived value of your coaching services.

8. Commit To Continuous Professional Development

Share your learning journey with your audience through blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters. Discussing the courses you’re taking, books you’re reading, or conferences you’re attending not only shows your commitment to staying at the forefront of your field but also invites engagement and discussion around these topics with your audience.

9. Craft A Cohesive Marketing Strategy

Your marketing approach must be comprehensive and cohesive, blending elements like content marketing, social media interaction, email outreach, and targeted advertising. Ensure your content directly speaks to the needs and dreams of your intended market. Employ analytics tools to monitor the success of your marketing efforts, making modifications to better align with what truly engages your audience.

10. Offer Free Resources

Create and offer free resources such as eBooks, guides, or toolkits that address common challenges or goals within your niche. These resources serve as a practical demonstration of your expertise and provide immediate value to potential clients. It’s a way to build trust and showcase the depth of your knowledge and how you apply it to solve real-world problems.

11. Host Peer Coaching Sessions

Organize peer coaching sessions or mastermind groups where you facilitate discussions among individuals seeking growth in areas related to your niche. This approach demonstrates your ability to guide and mentor and your leadership and community-building skills. Sharing insights and outcomes from these sessions (with permission) can highlight your facilitation skills and the transformative power of your coaching methods.

12. Leverage Podcast Appearances

Podcasts are a powerful medium for reaching new audiences. Being a guest on podcasts related to coaching or your specific niche can help you share your story, philosophy, and insights with a broader audience. It’s an opportunity to connect on a personal level with listeners and showcase your expertise through discussions, advice, and answering listener questions.

13. Create An Online Course

Developing an online course allows you to package your knowledge and coaching methodology into a structured program that people can benefit from, regardless of geographical limitations. This not only serves as an additional revenue stream but also as a comprehensive showcase of your coaching approach, philosophy, and ability to guide clients toward their goals.

14. Publish A Coaching Diary Or Case Studies

Share your coaching journey and experiences through a regularly updated diary, blog, or collection of case studies. Focus on the process of transformation in your clients, the ethical dilemmas you’ve navigated, and the strategies you’ve employed to overcome challenges. This authentic insight into your day-to-day coaching practice provides a deeper understanding of your approach and the real impact you have on clients’ lives.

15. Curate A Virtual Reality (VR) Coaching Experience

Dive into the realm of innovative tools to offer immersive coaching sessions. VR technology can simulate real-life situations or visualize future goals, providing a unique and impactful way to engage clients. For instance, you could create a VR experience that guides clients through a visualization of achieving their goals or overcoming their fears. This cutting-edge approach not only showcases your innovative spirit but also provides a deeply engaging tool for client transformation.


Remember, the goal is not just to display your credentials and successes but to build trust, inspire action, and facilitate transformation in the lives of those you coach. In doing so, you not only elevate your practice but also contribute to the broader coaching community and the positive impact it has on the world.

Unlimited Access to Italy with Golden Visa Program

The immigration question does not lose its relevance. Business people with a certain amount of assets are not limited to the activities in their own country. Many investors from different parts of the world make profitable deposits in other countries every year with one goal – to provide themselves with an emergency airfield in unforeseen situations.

Italy has undoubted advantages over other countries due to its favorable location, cultural heritage, and high standard of living. These criteria can not fail to attract immigrants and foreign families who plan to settle in Europe.

Italy has a strong position in the top five European countries regarding economic development. The ruling authorities regularly carry out legislative reforms to attract foreign investment. Italy Golden Visa program is considered to be one of the most effective. You can familiarize yourself with its terms and conditions below.

Overview of Italian Golden Visa Program

What does this offer represent? In 2017, the local authorities launched an effective program that
allows you to obtain a residence permit for investment. During the current period, it was used by
many wealthy individuals, which positively impacted the development of the domestic economy.
“Golden visa ” allows you to obtain a residence permit for two years with the possibility of an
extension of up to three years. The investor can apply for Italian citizenship after ten years of
residence in Italy. This issue is covered in detail at

Eligibility Requirements

It is worth noting that not everyone can take advantage of such services. To get access to Italy with
Golden visa, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • reaching the age of majority;
  • no legal problems, no criminal record;
  • availability of medical insurance;
  • confirmation of the legality of income;
  • availability of funds for investment;
  • a written commitment to invest in the country’s economy.

With the applicant, spouse, children under the age of majority, and dependents (children over 18 years old, parents) are eligible to get a residence permit.

Investment Options

Italy Golden visa program is an excellent chance for citizens of non-EU countries to obtain a
residence permit in Italy. Any applicant can take advantage of one of four options:

  • invest at least €250,000 in an existing local startup;
  • invest at least 500,000 euros in a company operating in Italy (for a minimum of two years);
  • donate 1 million euros to support one of the projects (educational, scientific, cultural, etc.);
  • invest 2,000,000 euros in Italian government bonds (for 2 years).

At the same time, you should understand that the purchase of real estate is not included in the above list.

Key Benefits

According to expert Zlata Erlach (Immigrant Invest company), the program has pros and cons.
You can learn more about it from practicing specialists. The following advantages can be

  1. A measured way of life. Italians prefer to get maximum pleasure from the time spent. They are never in a hurry, stretch the lunch break to eat gastronomic delights (another undoubted plus), and prefer walking and socializing with family and friends.
  2. Free roads. Italy is part of the Schengen zone so that you will have no travel restrictions around Europe. It is an excellent opportunity to travel the world, advance your career, and realize your plans.
  3. Easy processing. Undoubtedly, bureaucracy slows down the processing of documents. However, most applications today can be submitted online, speeding up the response.
  4. Flexible tax system. For investors residing in Italy, there is a flat tax of €100,000 per year.
  5. Residence for family members. In addition to the applicant, the residence permit is
    available to the spouse, children, and parents.
  6. European education. The applicant’s children have the right to study in educational
    institutions in Italy at a favorable cost.

The drawbacks include the rather strict conditions of the program. The investor cannot distribute capital between several companies; investments are allowed only in one startup.

Bottom Line

If you want to change your life coolly, immigration is an excellent opportunity to try something
new. It is enough to take advantage of state programs to obtain a second citizenship by investing
a certain amount of money in one of the spheres of activity of the host country.

Of course, it is possible to submit the documents on your own. However, it is better to entrust this
important moment to real professionals. Legal support significantly increases the chances of a
positive result. Despite some distinctive features, the programs operate on the same principle. If
you want to know how to get Italy Golden Visa, you need to collect a package of documents (only

  • passport;
  • a certificate of full medical examination;
  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • birth certificate;
  • spouse’s certificate.

Then, it is necessary to go through certain stages: identification of the person, approval of the expert service for the legality of funds, and legality of actions.

It is recommended to contact Immigrant Invest to determine the future place of residence, career, and entrepreneurial development. Leading experts will provide detailed consultation on any issue.

Navigating the Landscape of Investment Opportunities: A Beginner’s Primer

Investing is more than just a means to increase one’s wealth; it’s a pathway to financial security, independence, and the realization of long-term goals. 

Understanding the Basics of Investment

Key Investment Concepts and Terms

  • Stocks: When you buy stocks, you’re acquiring ownership shares in a company. While stocks offer high growth potential, they also come with a higher risk due to market volatility.
  • Bonds: Bonds are essentially loans you give to a government or corporation, in return for periodic interest payments and the return of the bond’s face value at maturity. They are generally considered safer than stocks but offer lower returns.
  • Mutual Funds: These are investment vehicles that pool money from many investors to purchase a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities. Mutual funds offer an easy way to achieve diversification, managed by professional investors.

Setting Investment Goals and Understanding Risk Tolerance

Setting clear, achievable investment goals is a critical first step for any investor. Goals can range from short-term (saving for a vacation or an emergency fund) to long-term (retirement or wealth accumulation). 

Understanding your time horizon and financial needs helps in selecting the right investment vehicles.

Equally important is understanding your risk tolerance—the degree of variability in investment returns that you’re willing to withstand. 

Risk tolerance is influenced by your financial situation, investment timeframe, and personal comfort with uncertainty. Younger investors typically have a higher risk tolerance due to a longer investment horizon, allowing them to recover from potential losses over time.

Exploring Investment Opportunities

Investing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. The landscape of investment opportunities is vast, offering various vehicles tailored to different financial goals, risk tolerances, and time horizons. 

Beyond the traditional avenues mentioned above, alternative investments provide additional diversification and potential for higher returns.

  • Real Estate: Tangible property investment, offering potential income through rentals and appreciation in value.
  • Commodities: Investment in physical goods like gold, oil, or agricultural products, often used as a hedge against inflation.
  • Cryptocurrencies: Digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security, representing a highly volatile investment option.

A Closer Look at Real Estate Investment

Why Real Estate?

Real estate has long been a popular choice for investors seeking to diversify their portfolios. It’s tangible, often offers steady income through rentals, and can appreciate over time, delivering substantial returns. Moreover, real estate investment can serve as a hedge against inflation, as property values and rents typically increase with inflation.

Ways to Invest in Real Estate

  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): REITs allow investors to invest in portfolios of real estate assets. They’re traded on major exchanges just like stocks, offering liquidity and a way to invest in real estate without having to buy physical property.
  • Direct Property Investment: This involves purchasing property directly, whether residential or commercial. Investors can earn income through renting out the property and potentially profit from its appreciation in value over time.
  • Crowdfunding Platforms: Real estate crowdfunding platforms enable investors to pool their money to invest in real estate projects, offering a way to access larger, potentially more lucrative deals with smaller capital outlay.

Benefits and Challenges

Investing in real estate offers the potential for steady rental income, tax advantages, and diversification. 

However, it also comes with challenges, including the need for significant capital, potential for high maintenance costs, and market risks such as fluctuating property values and vacancy rates.

How to Invest in Real Estate

Getting Started with Real Estate Investments

  1. Research and Understanding the Market: Begin by educating yourself about the real estate market, types of properties, and trends in areas of interest.
  1. Evaluating Different Real Estate Investment Options: Consider the different ways to invest in real estate, from REITs to direct property investment, based on your capital, time, and involvement preference.
  1. Financing Options: Explore financing options, including mortgages, home equity loans, or partnership investments if direct property purchase is your route.
  1. Building and Managing a Portfolio: Start small, possibly with a single property or REIT investment, and gradually expand your portfolio, diversifying across different types of real estate to spread risk.
  1. Utilizing Tools and Resources: Leverage online platforms, investment calculators, and real estate analysis software to make informed decisions. Networking with experienced investors and consulting real estate professionals can also provide valuable insights.

Real estate investment requires careful planning, research, and management, but it can be a rewarding component of a diversified investment strategy. 

By starting with a clear understanding of the market and evaluating the various investment avenues, beginners can make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of real estate investment with confidence.

Investment Strategies for Beginners

Embarking on an investment journey can be both exciting and daunting. For beginners, crafting a strategy that balances potential returns with acceptable levels of risk is paramount. Here are some foundational strategies to consider:

Creating a Diversified Investment Portfolio

Diversification is the cornerstone of risk management in investing. 

By spreading investments across different asset classes (such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities), sectors, and geographical locations, you can reduce the impact of any single investment’s poor performance on your overall portfolio. 

Start with a mix that reflects your risk tolerance and investment goals, and be open to adjusting your portfolio as these evolve.

The Importance of Long-Term Planning and Regular Portfolio Review

Investing is a marathon, not a sprint. Setting long-term goals and sticking to your investment plan can help you ride out the volatility of markets. 

Regularly review your portfolio—at least annually—to ensure it remains aligned with your goals. As your financial situation or goals change, so too should your investment strategy.

Advice on Avoiding Common Investment Mistakes

Beginners often fall prey to common pitfalls, such as trying to time the market, chasing after high returns without understanding the risks, or letting emotions drive investment decisions. 

Educate yourself about these and other risks, and consider seeking advice from financial professionals.

The Future of Investing

The investment landscape is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements. 

Automated investment platforms (robo-advisors), blockchain technology, and the increasing availability of financial data and analytics tools are making investing more accessible and informed. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to play a role in predicting market trends and personalizing investment advice, potentially changing how decisions are made.

Staying Informed and Adaptable

In this ever-evolving market, staying informed about global economic trends, regulatory changes, and new investment products is crucial. Adapting to changes and being willing to learn and utilize new tools and technologies can give investors an edge.


Investing offers a path to financial growth and security, but it requires careful planning, research, and a willingness to learn. 

For beginners, understanding the basics and exploring various investment opportunities—from traditional stocks and bonds to alternative investments like real estate—is essential. 

Building a diversified portfolio and embracing a long-term perspective can help navigate the complexities of the investment world.

Real estate, with its potential for rental income and appreciation, represents a valuable component of a diversified investment strategy. 

By taking informed steps and utilizing the myriad tools and resources available, beginners can confidently embark on their investment journey. 

Every investor was once a beginner. With patience, perseverance, and ongoing education, you can develop a strategy that works for you and move closer to achieving your financial goals.

Featured Image by Karolina Grabowska

Alejandro Betancourt López: The Visionary Leader Behind Hawkers’ Sustainable Innovation

When consumers think about sustainable products, sunglasses probably don’t spring to mind. But Alejandro Betancourt López, president of Hawkers, is working to change that.

Inspired by the trend toward environmentally friendly manufacturing, he’s created an eyewear line that looks stylish and protects the eyes while helping to clean Earth’s water system. The six models that comprise Hawkers’ H20 line are crafted from plastics and other materials harvested directly from the oceans.

“Both the frames and the lenses of all six H2O models are made using materials which respect the planet,” the Hawkers website shares. “From innovative, biodegradable materials to recycled preexisting plastics. The packaging is also 100% sustainable.”

It’s a product perfectly pitched to meet modern times, when both looking good and doing good lie at the heart of consumer preferences — and Alejandro Betancourt López is leading the charge.

How Hawkers Found the Way

As a conspicuous component of the fickle and faddish fashion business, Hawkers sunglasses have to accomplish a few things at once. To reach members of Generation Z, the arbiters of what’s hip and what’s not, products need to do more than stand out. They must stand for something.

For the H20 line at Hawkers, that something is sustainability.

Under the leadership of Alejandro Betancourt López, the company has become a juggernaut in the luxury eyewear space. Since he assumed the role of president in 2016, the Spanish company has seen its net worth increase exponentially.

It was Betancourt López who steered the enterprise to financial maturity, attracting its first angel investors and building important branding partnerships with some of the social media’s brightest stars.

His idea was simple: Meet consumers where they are. To do so, he devised an ingenious social media marketing strategy that appealed to sophisticated consumers.

He created a campus brand ambassadors program that boasted more than 5,000 college students as members. The ambassadors, chosen for their high follower counts, hosted events on behalf of Hawkers in exchange for trips and festival and concert tickets.

“I believe that you have to understand that the world is changing so fast and with the world of markets, the appetites, the cultures, everything changes and more technology, there is more adaptation needed,” Betancourt López said. “About 25 years ago, it was normal to receive a fax. The new generations don’t even understand what is a fax machine. So things are changing so fast and the way that people communicate, the way that people like doing things. Something like TikTok changed the world in three years.”

Good for the Earth, Good for Business

Hawkers represents a rare success story at a time when Gen Z seems to create more puzzlement than profits for modern companies. Raised on the internet, they have access to a wealth of corporate information — and a natural understanding of how to find it.

Companies cannot simply pay lip service to concepts like sustainability. They have to deliver. Otherwise, modern consumers will simply take their business elsewhere.

But it’s not just about creating eco-conscious eyewear. The other piece of the puzzle is marketing the product to consumers through the noisy and attention-warped world of digital marketing.

Luckily, this is where Alejandro Betancourt López shines. His guiding beliefs in authenticity and transparency have turned Hawkers into a top global eyewear brand.

“We’ve always been conscious about that, and we know that the market is shifting toward that direction and that everybody’s getting more conscious and wanting to understand how the product impacts their life, and the world, and environment,” said Betancourt.

“I think it’s fair that we provide that information and that kind of intel to the consumer and to the clients. And the assurance is that we can develop products that are also responsible with the environment, but at the same time can provide a quality product, and keep the brand at its highest level.”

With a net worth of more than $2.6 billion, Alejandro Betancourt López understands the risks and payoffs of modern investing better than most. Not only does he regularly back startups as an angel investor, he also leads a multinational investment group called O’Hara Administration. He was named president of Hawkers after investing heavily in the eyewear brand, and today, he continues to be its single biggest shareholder.

His faith in the brand isn’t only encouraging to other investors; it’s also a smart strategy. With innovative ideas like the sustainable H20 line, Hawkers is competing — and holding its own — against long-established luxury brands like Gucci and Ray-Ban.

“Today, everything involves data and how you access the customer,” Betancourt said. “If you are able to succeed in accessing this customer in an efficient way and affordable way that is economically viable and differentiates the product enough to make it attractive to the customer, then you have a winning product. And as you see, the market is evolving every day.”